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Old 05-29-2011, 12:54 PM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Lovefilm - problem cancelling account by phone. Waiting for hours to no avail

in case you want to cancel the account (or the trial subscription)..

How do I cancel my subscription?

We are very sorry to see you leave. If there's anything we can help with, or if you'd like to talk to us before you go, then please email our Customer Services team. And if at any time after cancelling you wish to re-activate your account, please feel free to do so here.

Important Information:
  1. To cancel your account, two things must happen:
  2. You tell us that you want to cancel (so that we stop sending you any more rental discs)
  3. We receive back all rental discs that you have out on loan

Both of these things must happen before your next billing date to avoid another subscription fee being charged.

How to cancel:

Here’s your step-by-step guide:
  1. Go to your Rental List page – check that no new discs are being dispatched to you.
  2. Go to your My Account page – check your "next scheduled billing date", to ensure you have enough time to return any discs to us.
  3. Click the link on the My Account page to "Cancel my account" and follow the onscreen instructions – you will then receive confirmation that your cancellation request has been logged (you may be asked to call our freephone cancellation line to complete this process).
  4. Return all rental discs to us as soon as possible. We need to receive all discs before your billing date in order to avoid any further subscription fees being debited.

Your account will be fully closed when we receive all the discs back and we will send an email to confirm this.

How to cancel a Pay As You Go* subscription:

If you’re on Pay As You Go package, your cancellation process is slightly different (because you don’t have a monthly billing date):
  1. Go to your Rental List page – check that no discs are being dispatched to you.
  2. Click the link on the My Account page to "Cancel my account" and follow the onscreen instructions – you will then receive confirmation that your cancellation request has been logged (you may be asked to call our freephone cancellation line to complete this process).
  3. Return all rental discs to us as soon as possible. Return all rental discs (including any that may be on the way out to you) to us as soon as possible.
  4. You are required to return all discs to us so that we receive them within 7 days of placing the cancellation request. Should they not arrive within that time, you may incur charges for their continued loan or replacement.

Your account will be fully closed when we receive all the discs back and we will send an email to confirm this.

Returning final rental discs to us:

Please bear in mind the following important information when sending your last rentals back to us:
  • We recommend that you obtain proof of postage (also known as a certificate of posting). This is available free of charge from any post office.
  • You can use the normal return envelopes when sending discs back, or get our freepost return address here.
  • We expect the Royal Mail to deliver any returns within 1 or possibly 2 working days. However, Royal Mail are permitted 4 working days to deliver the discs before they can be marked as lost. We regret we cannot be held liable for any late delivery by the Royal Mail.
  • You must request cancellation before returning your last rentals to us (in order to avoid any new rentals being sent out to you).
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Old 05-30-2011, 07:08 AM
placebo placebo is offline
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Re: Lovefilm - problem cancelling account by phone. Waiting for hours to no avail

Seems to be a known fact that you must cancel Lovefilm thru the phone line. There seems to be a trick.. try to cancel online *after* 10-11pm (GMT +00:00). Please check if the webpage looks different then!

And if you cant cancel it (because they dont pick up the phone or have some excuses), just cancel your credit card. That's the safest method anyway

Quite a few people (at the end of their subscription month) experience problems with lovefilm phone customer service!!


Just let us know how the phone call went for you!
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Old 05-30-2011, 09:10 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: Lovefilm - problem cancelling account by phone. Waiting for hours to no avail

i called them around noon (London, UK time) and was connected to a man i couldnt understand very well and all of a sudden the connection was dead (total silence). I redialed both numbers but from that point on my call didnt get transferred to a human agent ("adviser") again and for hours i was kept on hold in the waiting loop. I hung up several times, i redialed again and again and again. And it kept going this way: phone waiting loop (with music and intermittent male voice explaining the same stuff/ads/offers/etc over and over again) for hours!

Then, at some point in the afternoon (~3p.m., London, UK time), the automatic phone message (waiting loop) changed, saying (with female voice) "please call back during opening hours between 8am and 10pm, 7days a week".

Clearly it was impossible to cancel my account over the phone line! I got to speak to a human being only once within 3 hours (and he cut the connection!!)!

Interestingly, at ~03:30p.m., when i reloaded the Cancel-webpage, it got the chance to cancel the account online!


They say that they can be reached 7days a week from 8a.m. to 10p.m.. Then try the following: Call them at 4p.m. (London, UK time)! Don't be surprised if the answering machine says "you're calling out of business hours"!

So a good time to call them is in the morning (London, UK time). Or wait until ~4p.m. and try the online cancellation again. As my screenshot proves, it is possible to cancel online... it only depends on the hour/time during the day.


Selection is poor. Video quality is poor. Prices are high. And cancellation a big pain in the ass.


Never agian. No thanks!!
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