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Old 08-02-2011, 11:39 PM
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LotusLive Meetings - online meetings, screen sharing, whiteboard, presentations,polls

LotusLive Meetings is a full-featured Web meetings service, designed for businesses of all sizes. Quickly and confidently share information, give presentations and demonstrate software in a security-rich environment. LotusLive Meetings helps enhance team productivity, shorten sales cycles and contain travel costs.

Meetings features
  • Record your meetings and make them available for playback
  • Share your desktop or specific applications
  • Audiocast your meetings - attendees don't need to call in
  • Password protect your meetings - ensuring only those who you've invited attend
  • Meeting reports - receive meeting reports of who attended and when
  • Poll your audience, allow Q&A chats
  • Invite guests right from your meeting
  • Join a meeting from your mobile device
  • SSL encryption for safety and privacy

Who can join your LotusLive Meeting?
Anyone! All your customers, business partners or colleagues need is an internet or cellular connection and a Web browser or smartphone app. Web meetings easier than ever.

Presenters with a connected Web cam can broadcast live video to all participants in a Web conference. Web meeting participants can choose to view the video stream or turn it off.

Roster functions
The roster is an important tool for managing your Web meetings. See who has joined your meeting, pass meeting control and manage questions and answers all from the roster. Participants can also get your attention by raising their hand.

Polling allows you to get instant feedback from your attendees. You can create a poll simply by typing in your question and customized responses. Once attendees respond, you can share the results with the group and have a summary e-mailed to you. Polls can be saved for future meetings.

Annotation features
Pointer, arrow and highlighter let you to call out specific information on the screen - whether you are publishing or sharing your documents.

Application sharing lets you share individual applications or the entire desktop with your Web meeting participants.
By choosing "share the entire screen", attendees will see everything on your screen. You can share all of your documents, pictures or applications. By selecting "choose the applications to share" - you control which applications your attendees can see.

The publish feature allows you to share individual documents with your Web meeting participants, while not having to share your entire desktop. This is one of the most efficient tools because participants don't need to download any software to view your documents.
The publish feature lets you store up to 10 files in your account. Sales leaders and training instructors who use the same presentations frequently find this feature especially useful. It's great for anyone who wants to start a meeting on the fly. You don't need to haul around your own computer, or carry printed copies of your charts.

Mobile devices support
LotusLive Mobile lets you connect with your business network, webcasting services and more, seamlessly from your mobile device.
mobile meetings login screenshot
LotusLive Mobile allows to
- Join a meeting directly from your mobile device - and view live presentations, including shared desktop and slide presentations.
- Share files from anywhere by accessing your library of files from your mobile device and sharing with anyone quickly with ease
Supported mobile devices: iPhone, BlackBerry, Android
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