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Old 03-19-2010, 02:29 AM
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lost dvd 1-5

This is one of the best written Television shows since Magnum PI. I loved it when Cait asked Gibbs what Ducky used to look like when he was younger and Gibbs told her he looked like Iylela Kuriakian (Sorry not sure of the correct spelling), (The Man for U.N.C.L.E.). Abby's character is awesome, and fits the part perfect as do all of them. Donald Bellasario is an awesome writer, wish I could write the he does. It is so much fun to try and figure out what all the acronyms mean, since I was never in the service. Really looking for season 6 to come out on DVD and Season 7 on Television.

I highly recommend this show to anyone that loves to figure out the mystery of how the person was killed.

Sorry, don't really see the connection of Tony and Ziva. Tony was and will be a big flirt. He did the same with Caitlyn.

I hope that more people will start watching the show, it is really worth it!!

Lost: The Complete Seasons 1-5 on DVD
Lost: The Complete Seasons 1-5 on Blu-ray
Old 03-27-2010, 10:13 PM
marcowx7 marcowx7 is offline
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Re: lost dvd 1-5

Yes are right this is the best written Television show. In this all the characters have acted well and made this show perfect and awesome. This one is the unique show and I like this show very much. Thanks.
Old 04-21-2010, 10:27 PM
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i lose myself in Lost dvd

Lost is incredible. It is by far the most intellectual show on television, and like the Simpsons, it appeals to low-brow and high-brow tastes. Some viewers may watch it purely for the adventure and supernatural element Lost (it's Jurassic Park and the Shining and Robinson Crusoe---together at last). Others may watch it for the richly nuanced characters (what other show has a regular character who speaks only Korean?). And others still may watch itfor the philosophical undercurrent.

What's great about the philosophy is that the writers present it without pretentiousness. Most of it is subtle. The most philosophical character is, of course, John Locke, who happens to share his name with the great seventeenth-century English philosopher (who had some interesting things to say about the behavior of humans in the State of Nature). Also on the showis a mysterious and ambiguous French female character named Rousseau, who also happens to share her name with the great eighteenth-century French philosopher (who also had some interesting things to say about the behavior of humans in the State of Nature).

Lost is very existential. The main themes of the show, expressed a few times by Locke, are the inevitability of fate and the opportunity to change oneself for the better. These Lost 47 (and dwindling) survivors are given the rare chance to focus on their lives, question their past mistakes, and become better people. And these characters have a lot to think about. One character is a drug addict; one was a torurer for Saddam Hussein; one was a hitman; one had an (arguably) incestuous relationship with her step-brother; two are murderers. Only Jack, the doctor, seems to have a sense of morality and decency, Lost but this could easily change with a surprising flashback (for being the main protagonist, we know little about Jack's past).
Old 06-04-2010, 09:41 PM
Posts: n/a

Lost Dvd

I love Lost, the cast, and of course Juliet and Kate. I would add that I love Sun too, but Jin might hit me. Seriously, "Lost" has accomplished the rare feat of completing its fifth season with the magic intact. We are still baffled by the true nature of the Island, and the plot twists and turns continue to fascinate and delight.
One of the things I like about Season Five is the development of the Sawyer character. He is a truly multidimensional personality whom I did not like at all in Season One but who now is perhaps my favorite male character in the series.
One thing I was not crazy about in Season Five is the use of time travel, which is overused in science fiction and which makes its appearance here. I will give the series credit, however; this is one of the more innovative uses of this device.
Like everyone else, I am waiting for Season more to see how this all wraps up. Great fun! RJB.
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