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Old 01-27-2013, 02:18 PM
Tayron Tayron is offline
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Livestream issues?

Okay, I'm sort of at wits end here, because I've tried everything I can think of and combed through the forums.

To many a long story short(er), for the past 2-3 months now I've been using Replay Media Catcher (4.4.3) to download streams. The one I tend to like watching usually happens at like 3am my time, and that doesn't usually work out for me, so Replay has been a godsend.

Keep in mind this is all with just the default install, I never played with any of the settings. It just worked freshly installed...and that's part of why I loved it so much. It was easy to use, and if I wasn't around to start it, I could have the wife start it who (love her as I do) is not as computer savvy, so starting it up was just a button click away.

That was up until last night, when suddenly it just...stopped recording properly. At first it just didn't record at all, it tried, but nothing happened. Then, when it would record, it would only record roughly 1 minute and 40-50 seconds. Every single time.

Upon reading up on some thread in this forum, I started to play with the settings a little, such as selecting "always record RTMP streams (instead of downloading)", but that did not work either.
It would apparently record the video, but the sound stopped working after 13-14 seconds, and the video itself was bugged to hell afterwards. (It also had a strange habit of messing up the time, so a 5 minute recording would display as like, 3 hours.)

So, I ask, what am I doing wrong? Or did Livestream recently change how they do things, and that's what's causing the issue? I'm sort of inclined to think the later, since this is the first time I have ever had problems, and it's happening with every Livestream stream I've tested it work.

So far this issue only seems present with Livestream, I've had no problems elsewhere yet that I can tell.

(as a side note, also tried WM Recorder, but that seems ot have recording issues with Livestream as well...but seeing as I have never used it before, I am unsure if that is normal.)
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Old 01-27-2013, 04:00 PM
Tayron Tayron is offline
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Re: Livestream issues?

With all due respect, I will not delete this post on the words of someone who looks to be as new to this forum as myself. I can repost, but I will not delete this post. Furthermore, looking at the site you posted, it looks to involve a program that I at present have no interest in using.

Ideally, I would rather this get resolved using the programs I mentioned above, as those are the ones I am having sudden issues with and the easiest I have found for myself and others who use this computer to use.
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Old 01-27-2013, 05:16 PM
chap chap is offline
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Re: Livestream issues?

try use jaksta 4.3.2

Last edited by Stream Ripper : 01-27-2013 at 11:39 PM.
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Old 01-27-2013, 06:15 PM
Tayron Tayron is offline
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Re: Livestream issues?

I actually already tried that one, it ran into exactly the same issues that Replay does, down to the letter.
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