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Old 04-29-2009, 01:02 AM
Posts: n/a

Live streaming in member area.

Hi Guys!

I need help from you! Its my 1st post so please bare with me, I suck with this technical stuff....

I want to set up an adult membership webpage. In the member area I want to include a live streaming webcam (broadcasting maybe twice/week). A included chat windo would be awesome too. Of course only my members are suppose to see the webcam. At the beginning I do not expect a lot of users. But the number will probably increase a lot within the first couple of weeks.

As a webcam I was thinking about buying a JVC Everio mg 630 camcorder very soon (maybe tomorrow if someone can help soon ).

My webhost (Powweb) does not support live streaming!!

1) Can I still somehow incorporate the live webcam into my member area? If so, how??

I read in previous posts that there are company that offer services like that (eg.

2) Is this a solution to my problem? If so, is it the only way to go or are there any other options?

3) If I need a company which offers live streaming services, could anyone recommend good ones, which have a good price/quality ratio?

Note: My VAIO laptop has Vista and a 1,6 GHz Processor. 32 bit Operating System. 1014 RAM.

I know its a long post - sorry. Though I'm very thankful for any kind of help!!!

Thanks a lot in advance!!!!!
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Old 05-22-2009, 07:01 AM
Posts: n/a

Re: Live streaming in member area.


I can recommend you a solution from the company I work for. It is TikiLIVE Solo. You can have a live show at a specific time then the other video content you can add it to the website and do pay per view. Chat is included and only your members will be able to watch the show. You have the option to choose from public or private show by adding a password.
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