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Old 09-28-2010, 03:12 AM
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James Bond Ultimate Collector's Set (DVD)

It is interesting to see character development. Sean Connery began with a 60s style symbolizing freshness. 70 80 007 Roger Moore was still fresh, but more comical and the development of increasingly below campiness of the 70s. I think they go too far in the direction of comedy at that time and has reached the bottom of the entire series in Octopussy James Bond when seen from one vineyard to the Tarzan yell. Then came the two episodes of Timothy Dalton, who came back (thankfully) to a more serious tone, since Licence To Kill criticized by some as serious. But I found a better Moore flicks. The four films Brosnan are all very good. The kit also includes the 2006 release of Casino Royale with Daniel Craig, who I think has the potential to be the best 007 of all.
So are the movies and 21 discs for each film is a separate disc of special features, for a total of 42 discs. I saw some of the special features - I was so impatient to see the films themselves, but it seemed at least briefly each of them. What I saw looked good, and I am eager to return to a time and watch them. I'm watching brief featurette 4 or 5 minutes for each movie in the local "exotic" which was fimed - those that have been well good. There is also a small separate booklet for each of 21 films, which contain all sorts of useful and interesting. I recommend this series to all fans of James Bond. One caveat - they are about to start releasing movies on Blu-Ray Bond, if you're in you can check and wait a while. Of course, if there are some good DVDs about James Bond.I will buy them. I can put them there and I will see them when I have time. I think it's nice. Yeah!

James Bond Ultimate Collector's Set
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