As the title already implies, I did a recording today, that is - how shall I put it - screwed up. For several months I've been recording streams successfully from BBC radio 5 live (using a proxy!), but today my recording turned out to be incomplete.
Jaksta occasionally just stops recording. I suspect this is any time the stream is reloading/rebuffering for too long. Than it might resume the recording after a while (can be any time) or it might never resume. Note: When the recording stops,
Jaksta still indicates that it is recording. It's just that there's no data/time being added. When the recording resumes it just starts like it were a new recording (creating a new file). Jaksta than finally indicates that the stopped stream/file is actually stopped.
FYI: I always use a wired desktop and a wireless laptop (a backup) for the recording. They both run the latest version of
Jaksta . The only settings I've touched are "Download/Recording", checking "Always record..." and "Flv Fixing", checking both boxes. For my laptop it's normal that it occasionally stops and continues but my desktop has (until today)
never failed me.
I suspect the proxy has something to do with it but every time I refresh the stream manually, the stream resumes right away, indicating that the connection is pretty good...
Is there any way I can prevent this problem in the future?