iviewnapper rtmp dump switches off
Can anyone think of a reason why iviewnapper would fail on the rtmp dump call?
All goes well until then. I can open it, view the list, click on one of the list and see the expansion - whatever episodes or whatever - and then click on 'catch up' and catch up with the list again.
But when I go for a 'fetch' the rtmp dump screen flickers on and then immediately dies.
Whatever the problem is it seems to be specific to this machine. For I have a little home network and on another machine on the network it works perfectly, no problems.
I did have a lot of problems on this machine with logging in to yahoo and ebay - and iviewnapper - and such but I was given help and directed to a couple of procedures which, I think, mainly reset the DNS servers.
After that everything seemed to have returned to normal. I can log in to Yahoo and eBay and I thought iviewnap was okay but it seems not so.
Is there some way to set a log on rtmp dump and see what's happening to it?
Or does someone perhaps have some experience of this kind of fault and can direct me to the probable cause and a solution?