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Old 09-26-2011, 01:28 PM
gsd4me gsd4me is offline
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ITVplayer and rugby recording from catchup

Dear all

[I posted this yesterday and a certain user moved my post to the end of a previous related question, where certain aspects were discussed concerning ITVplayer and rtmpdump and (indirectly via another link, rtmpsrv). The areas discussed there *do not* work for me. hence my question here. Please do not move this question again]

I am a rugby coach and have been following the Rugby World Cup currently going on in New Zealand.
I want to use some sections of the games to use in coaching presentations, to highlight various technical points.
I am attempting to record some of the games that can be accessed by the (UK) ITV catchup facility, ITVplayer

I am using Ubuntu v11 and have installed RTMPdump and Wireshark.

What I do is:
Start Wireshark in privileged mode
Select wlan0 as the device (I am on a wifi broadband in the house) (This seems to be the correct device as a lot of streaming info *is* recorded)
I start the playback of the match I wish to record (eg _
I let the playback play for a while (including the compulsory adverts!), even stopping and starting the playback a couple of times as suggested by other forums and sources.
I then look at the Wireshark buffered info.
...and then I get very confused.

Other areas (eg Youtube videos etc) suggest that I filter for the RTMPT package types and then look for strings such as "invoke" or "handshake" but these seem to be either missing or not there at all. And this is even before I attempt to find out what the hidden stream source is and then do the "Follow TCP stream" that I am supposed to do (correct?)

What am I missing in my efforts to record the playback streaming?
I have tried doing a filter on RTMPT *before* starting the payback and also *after* doing so. I have also tried other package types (DNS, RTMPE etc) but am still slightly lost as to the data I am looking at.
Can anyone point out (preferably as an idiot's guide) what series of steps I *should* be doing?
Many thanks

an exasperated and confused newbie
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Old 09-26-2011, 04:27 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: ITVplayer and rugby recording from catchup

No need to make duplicate posts about the same site:
Download ITV Player using RTMPDump?

Try rtmpsrv as chap suggested, then post the exact problem you have with it.

Closing this thread.
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