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Old 07-10-2016, 03:31 PM
boduyday0812 boduyday0812 is offline
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Re: ISM Downloader - Download Silverlight videos and save as MKV files

Qu?? kh??ch h?*ng Ä‘ang á»? TPHCM, ng?´i nh?* bá??n Ä‘ang á»? Ä‘?? xuống cá??p, m?*u s??n Ä‘?? phai v?* bị bong tr??c…Ch?*nh v?¬ thá?? gia chủ cá?§n sá»*a sang, trang tr?* lá??i ng?´i nh?* cho cá??i thiện t?*nh thá?©m má»? c?©ng nh?° l?* chá??t l?°á»?ng ng?´i nh?*. Tuy nhi??n qu?? kh??ch Ä‘ang kh?´ng biá??t t?¬m dịch vá»? sá»*a chá»?a nh?* á»? Ä‘??u tốt? Má»™t địa chỉ uy t?*n Ä‘?? ch?*nh l?* Ná??ng Xanh, á»? Ä‘??y ch??ng t?´i chuy??n cung cá??p c??cdịch vá»? sá»*a chá»?a nh?* gi?? rá?» m?* vá?«n Ä‘á??m bá??o chá??t l?°á»?ng, sá»*a nh?* từ a Ä‘á??n z n??n qu?? kh??ch kh?´ng phá??i lo lá??ng g?¬ há??t h??y Ä‘á»? ch??ng t?´i tu sá»*a trang tr?* lá??i cho ng?´i nh?* của qu?? kh??ch h?*ng.

Vá»›i uy t?*n v?* nhiá»?u nÄ?m kinh nghiệm, Ä‘á»™i ng?© nh??n vi??n ká»? thuá?*t tá?*n t?¬nh, Ä‘?°á»?c Ä‘?*o tá??o b?*i bá??n, lu?´n lu?´n l?*m h?*i l??ng qu?? kh??ch h?*ng. Kh?´ng ngá??i xa, ngá??i kh??, ch??ng t?´i nhá?*n l?*m từ nhá»?ng việc nhá»? nhá??t theo nhu cá?§u của kh??ch h?*ng.

Ch??ng t?´i nhá?*n sá»*a chá»?a nh?* tá??i tá??t cá?? c??c quá?*ntr??n địa b?*n T.p HCM. Nhá»?ng c?´ng tr?¬nh m?* ch??ng t?´i Ä‘?? sá»*a chá»?a lu?´n Ä‘á??m bá??o chá??t l?°á»?ng l??u bá»?n v?* Ä‘?°á»?c kh??ch h?*ng rá??t tin t?°á»?ng. Má»—i c?´ng tr?¬nh thi c?´ng hay sá»*a chá»?a bá??t ká»? má»™t ng?´i nh?*, vÄ?n ph??ng n?*o tá??i TPHCMTP Hồ Ch?* Minh c?´ng ty Ná??ng Xanh ch??ng lu?´n Ä‘á?·t chá??t l?°á»?ng v?* dịch vá»? l?*m kim chỉ nam cho sá»± ph??t triá»?n bá»?n vá»?ng. Vá»›i Ä‘á»™i ng?© ká»? s?° giá»?i, nhiá»?u kinh nghiệm ch??ng t?´i lu?´n tá»± tin v?*o nÄ?ng lá»±c của m?¬nh, Ä‘em lá??i sá»± y??n t??m cho qu?? kh??ch h?*ng khi sá»* dá»?ng dịch vá»? sá»*a nh?* của ch??ng t?´i.
Nhá»?ng há??ng má»?c m?* ch??ng t?´i cung cá??p cho qu?? kh??ch h?*ng tá??i TPHCM bao gồm:

- S??n sá»*a nh?* c?©, n??ng cá??p, cá??i tá??o, c??i ná»›i nh?* theo y??u cá?§u

- Thi c?´ng lá??p Ä‘á?·t, sá»*a chá»?a Ä‘iện n?°á»›c

- Thi c?´ng trá?§n thá??ch cao c??c loá??i, v??ch thá??ch cao má»™t má?·t, hai má?·t, hoá?·c v??ch ngÄ?n

- Thi c?´ng chống thá??m, chống dá»™t, thay m??i t?´n

- Thi c?´ng giá??y d??n t?°á»?ng, cá»*a cuốn gi?? rá?»â€¦

- Thi c?´ng lá??p Ä‘á?·t cá»*a nh?´m k?*nh hoá?·c v??ch ngÄ?n nh?´m k?*nh

Quy tr?¬nh sá»*a nh?* tá??i TPHCMcủa ch??ng t?´i:

- Q??y kh??ch h?*ng gá»?i Ä‘iện hoá?·c gá»*i th?° tá»›i vÄ?n ph??ng, ch??ng t?´i sá?? tiá??p nhá?*n th?´ng tin v?* y??u cá?§u.

- Ch??ng t?´i sá?? cá»* c??n bá»™ ká»? thuá?*t Ä‘á??n trá»±c tiá??p gá?·p qu?? kh??ch h?*ng v?* trao đổi, khá??o s??t v??ng y??u cá?§u, t?° vá??n v?* b??o gi?? cho kh??ch.

- Sau khi hai b??n Ä‘i Ä‘á??n thống nhá??t ch??ng t?´i tiá??n h?*nh thi c?´ng c?´ng việc theo y??u cá?§u.

- Ch??ng t?´i Ä‘?°a trá?? lá??i c?´ng tr?¬nh cho qu?? kh??ch h?*ng, qu?? kh??ch h?*ng kiá»?m tra v?* thanh to??n.

- Ch??ng t?´i cam ká??t bá??o h?*nh v?* giá??i quyá??t má»?i vá??n Ä‘á»? sau khi c?´ng tr?¬nh Ä‘?? thi c?´ng xong.
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Old 07-11-2016, 02:43 AM
Kii-lon Kii-lon is offline
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Re: ISM Downloader - Download Silverlight videos and save as MKV files

Originally Posted by boduyday0812 View Post
gibberish, gibberish everywhere
...what is this spam that i'm reading?

Just saw this while reading my email (subbed to this thread).
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Old 07-11-2016, 09:27 AM
wizard wizard is offline
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Re: ISM Downloader - Download Silverlight videos and save as MKV files

Originally Posted by Kii-lon View Post
...what is this spam that i'm reading?

Just saw this while reading my email (subbed to this thread).
Would be great if you could report spam any time you see it as some of us do.

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Old 07-20-2016, 04:29 AM
strumpcarec strumpcarec is offline
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Re: ISM Downloader - Download Silverlight videos and save as MKV files

I managed to get the manifest URL and "keyID" to an encrypted Silverlight video, but it seems that I don't know how to use these pieces of information properly. What am I supposed to do with the keyID?

This is what I have been doing with ismdownloaderAVC1.exe:

@echo on
ismdownloaderAVC1 "http://URL.ism/manifest" "C:\ISMdl\Video.mkv"
The result is:

ERROR: Video FourCC 'H264' is not supported!
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Old 07-20-2016, 10:10 AM
Techmandk Techmandk is offline
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Re: ISM Downloader - Download Silverlight videos and save as MKV files

You should use the second link instead on this site

It supports h264
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Old 07-23-2016, 01:40 PM
strumpcarec strumpcarec is offline
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Re: ISM Downloader - Download Silverlight videos and save as MKV files

Originally Posted by Techmandk View Post
You should use the second link instead on this site

It supports h264
Thanks for your help. Sorry for the slow reply. I tried with ismdownloader v2.0.0.0 (for H264) like you suggested but now I am getting a new error:

ERROR: Audio format 'Vendor-extensible format' is not supported!
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Old 08-18-2016, 03:03 PM
GtbpyQgB GtbpyQgB is offline
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Re: ISM Downloader - Download Silverlight videos and save as MKV files

Could you please help me download this:

I have tried and it download but seems to never end ? I have been waithing for hours but it wont end.
c:\ISMdl>ismdownloader.exe [url] ismdownloader v2.0.0.0 beta Created by DVB-Crew Manifest: Url: Duration: 00:02:26.0302947 Stream 1: H264 768x432 (768x432) @ 2500 kbps [selected] H264 768x432 (768x432) @ 1500 kbps H264 640x360 (640x360) @ 1000 kbps H264 512x288 (512x288) @ 750 kbps H264 512x288 (512x288) @ 500 kbps H264 320x180 (320x180) @ 200 kbps Stream 2: AAC 2 channels 44100 Hz @ 128 kbps [selected] Recording duration: 00:02:26.0070748
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Old 08-21-2016, 12:22 PM
gx3541 gx3541 is offline
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Re: ISM Downloader - Download Silverlight videos and save as MKV files

Hey guys ,

i have a question when using ismdownloader.

#ERROR: Invalid QualityLevelIsPattern !

Below is the manifest

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SmoothStreamingMedia MajorVersion="2" MinorVersion="0" TimeScale="10000000" IsLive="TRUE" LookAheadFragmentCount="2" Duration="0" DVRWindowLength="800000000" >
<StreamIndex Type="video" Name="video" Subtype="H264" QualityLevels="7" Chunks="10" TimeScale="10000000" Url="v{bitrate}/M(video={start time})">
<QualityLevel Index="0" Bitrate="200000" FourCC="H264" MaxWidth="480" MaxHeight="270" DisplayWidth="480" DisplayHeight="270" CodecPrivateData="000000016742801e896507823fac050808080a00000300020000030065c000061a8000927cfe27c1da182e580000000168c92352"/>
<QualityLevel Index="1" Bitrate="400000" FourCC="H264" MaxWidth="480" MaxHeight="270" DisplayWidth="480" DisplayHeight="270" CodecPrivateData="000000016742801e896507823fac050808080a00000300020000030065c040030d4000249f3f89f076860b960000000168c92352"/>
<QualityLevel Index="2" Bitrate="800000" FourCC="H264" MaxWidth="854" MaxHeight="480" DisplayWidth="854" DisplayHeight="480" CodecPrivateData="00000001674d401f8994a06c1ef37ff82800280a10101014000003000400000300cb8100030d4000124f9fc4f83b434632c00000000168e9097520"/>
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<c d="75173333"/>
<Protection><ProtectionHeader SystemID="9a04f079-9840-4286-ab92-e65be0885f95">
Thank You !
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Old 08-24-2016, 04:12 AM
AlexxWoods AlexxWoods is offline
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Re: ISM Downloader - Download Silverlight videos and save as MKV files

Hey guys,

I usually use ffmpeg, IDM, or replay media catcher to download videos but I had a look around Google and wanted to try ISM Downloader for silverlight videos (livestream replays). Unfortunately I keep getting the error "Invalid UrlPattern!" I've tried both versions of ISM Downloader and cmd method as well as the batch file method- same result every time.

C:\ISMdl>ismdownloader "" "C:\ISMdl\Palace.mkv"
ismdownloader v2.0.0.0 beta
Created by DVB-Crew

ERROR: Invalid UrlPattern!
This is the (shortened) Manifest:
<SmoothStreamingMedia MajorVersion="2" MinorVersion="2" TimeScale="10000000" CanSeek="TRUE" CanPause="TRUE" Duration="62319600000"><Protection><ProtectionHeader SystemID="9A04F079-9840-4286-AB92-E65BE0885F95">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</ProtectionHeader></Protection><StreamIndex Type="video" Name="video" Subtype="" Chunks="779" TimeScale="10000000" Url="Events(20516_1471797264)/QualityLevels({bitrate})/Fragments(v={start time})" QualityLevels="8"><QualityLevel Index="0" Bitrate="112016" CodecPrivateData="00000001274D40159244187FDE022000000300200000065C5001B58036BDEF701F08846A0000000128DE3C80" FourCC="H264" MaxWidth="192" MaxHeight="108"/><QualityLevel Index="1" Bitrate="288030" CodecPrivateData="00000001274D401592460C0EFCB808800000030080000019725002328011977BDC07C22114E00000000128FEBC80" FourCC="H264" MaxWidth="384" MaxHeight="216"/><QualityLevel Index="2" Bitrate="448031" CodecPrivateData="00000001274D4015924604012D80880000030008000003019736006D600DAF7BDC07C22114E00000000128FEBC80" FourCC="H264" MaxWidth="512" MaxHeight="288"/><QualityLevel Index="3" Bitrate="672031" CodecPrivateData="00000001274D401E924605819FDE022000000300200000065C9400520800A41DEF701F088453800000000128FEBC80" FourCC="H264" MaxWidth="704" MaxHeight="396"/><QualityLevel Index="4" Bitrate="1380066" CodecPrivateData="00000001274D401F924605819FDE022000000300200000065C4800150E8000A875DEF701F08845380000000128FEBC80" FourCC="H264" MaxWidth="704" MaxHeight="396"/><QualityLevel Index="5" Bitrate="2680105" CodecPrivateData="00000001274D401F924607808BF7808800000300080000030197030001472600028E4F7BDC07C22114E00000000128FEBC80" FourCC="H264" MaxWidth="960" MaxHeight="540"/><QualityLevel Index="6" Bitrate="4988066" CodecPrivateData="0000000127640028AC248C05005BB01100000300010000030032E040001307100004C1C7BDEE03E1108A700000000128FEBCB0" FourCC="H264" MaxWidth="1280" MaxHeight="720"/><QualityLevel Index="7" Bitrate="8169898" CodecPrivateData="0000000127640028AC248C0780227E5C0440000003004000000CB988003E5500003E550EF7B80F844229C00000000128FEBCB0" FourCC="H264" MaxWidth="1920" MaxHeight="1080"/><c d="80000000" t="0"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="79600000"/></StreamIndex><StreamIndex Type="audio" Name="audio_0" Language="und" Subtype="" Chunks="779" TimeScale="10000000" Url="Events(20516_1471797264)/QualityLevels({bitrate})/Fragments(a_52921={start time})"><QualityLevel Index="0" Bitrate="93468" CodecPrivateData="1190" FourCC="AACL" AudioTag="255" Channels="2" SamplingRate="48000" BitsPerSample="16" PacketSize="4"/><c d="80000000" t="0"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="80000000"/><c d="79360000"/></StreamIndex></SmoothStreamingMedia>
I haven't really been able to find anything on google about this specific error so maybe I'm just missing something really obvious? Any help would be much appreciated. Cheers.

Last edited by AlexxWoods : 08-24-2016 at 04:54 AM.
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Old 08-24-2016, 11:25 AM
tphoitrinhphoi tphoitrinhphoi is offline
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tphoitrinhphoi is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by gxdata View Post
ISMDownloader is a more generic application than RTLdownloader. It allows to download Silverlight streams and save them as MKV files. ISM Downloader is available at:
Usage -
ismdownloader &lt;manifest url&gt; &lt;output: *.mkv&gt;
Obviously, this needs the manifest URL, so you will need to use an HTTP monitor application, such as Charles. There are other such utilities, of course. I believe that the ISM utility locates the optimum bandwidth stream for your system/connection**, then downloads the fragments, and finally merges all the fragments into a final, playable .MKV file package. ** (not sure of this, or if it merely takes the highest bandwidth available on the server)

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