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Old 12-26-2007, 05:09 PM
Posts: n/a

Impossible to record streaming audio, please help.Need direct sound recorder for Mac.

Okay, first of all, I'm new here, and I have searched the forums and have found no answer. I need a free streaming audio recorder (Preferably works with Mac), that just records from your sound card (Anything like computer thinking, or a mouse click, or pulling down a window).

REPLAY MUSIC DOES NOT WORK, because you need a FLV file to drag into there or a URL. I need a program that has just a record button that you press and thats that! I don't want all the menus and the urls and the files, I just need something that can recored anything that makes a sound. Like just playing a Youtube video.

Please help me by recommending a software, hopefully not related to Replay Music, that is free and works with Macs... Thank You.
P.S. It must be Free and works with Macs.
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Old 12-27-2007, 02:19 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: Impossible to record streaming audio, please help.Need direct sound recorder for

Originally Posted by dragon_hacker View Post
REPLAY MUSIC DOES NOT WORK, because you need a FLV file to drag into there or a URL. I need a program that has just a record button that you press and thats that! I don't want all the menus and the urls and the files, I just need something that can recored anything that makes a sound. Like just playing a Youtube video.
There is some kind of misunderstanding. Replay Music has a huge record button called "Start recording":

And you don't need to drag anything to Replay Music, 'cos it is a direct sound recording software i.e. it can record any sound produced by your sound card!

If you don't need song splitting and tagging, then there is no sense to use Replay Music, 'coz you can record with free direct sound recording software like freeware sound editor Audacity, freeware MP3 cutting and trimming software MP3DirectCut, freeware direct sound recording software HardDiskOGG,...

All the above mentioned programs work on Windows only. Although Replay Music was tested on Parallels Desktop for Max OS X

Originally Posted by dragon_hacker View Post
Please help me by recommending a software, hopefully not related to Replay Music, that is free and works with Macs... Thank You.
P.S. It must be Free and works with Macs.
There are some direct sound recording programs for Mac OS X, but I'm not a Mac expert.

If you need a direct sound recorder, then just search for it. IMHO you shouldn't search for a stream recording software instead.
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