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Old 12-30-2010, 12:30 AM
bsteinex bsteinex is offline
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I'm trying to remove the DRM on a .acsm file


I'm hoping you can help me. I'm trying to remove the DRM on a .acsm file. I've installed Python and PyCrypto 2.7 as well as latest versions of ineptkey.pyw and ineptepub.pyw. I am able to create adeptkey.der. When I run the program to decrypt the file I get "Error: File is not a zip file". I went to the thread that was recommended:, and did the following based on the recommendations:
  1. Renamed the file from book.acsm to
  2. Unzipped This created a folder with 4 files inside: book - Unknown.epub (file size 0), book - Unknown.jpg, book - Unknown.opf, and book - Unknown.pdf
  3. Installed ePubPack for Windows to repackage the files. The program does not recognize the .epub file that was unzipped.

Where am I going wrong? I appreciate any help you can provide.


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Old 12-30-2010, 01:33 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: I'm trying to remove the DRM on a .acsm file

The .acsm file isn't the book - it a purchase ticket that allows you to download the book which will be either a PDF or ePub file.

Install Adobe Digital Editions and double click on the .acsm file to download the book.

In Adobe Digital Editions you can find the path to the book in the "Item Info" dialog. You can bring up the "Item Info" dialog from the Reading Menu (in Reading View) or pressing Ctrl+I (Cmd+I on the Mac).
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