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Re: i24NEWS LiveHere are my first findings:
They have different "tid" across their site. They return different parameters. I tried : with curl : Code:
* Trying * TCP_NODELAY set * Connected to ( port 80 (#0) > GET /player/play/i24-news-uk/?format=hls&language=en HTTP/1.1 > Host: > Accept: */* > User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0 > < HTTP/1.1 200 OK < Server: nginx < Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2019 18:51:27 GMT < Content-Type: application/octet-stream < Transfer-Encoding: chunked < Connection: keep-alive < Set-Cookie: __ptv_session=lb4n3kfvggrvdgbgnl7ch1ol15; path=/;; HttpOnly < Cache-Control: no-cache, private < X-PTV-Node: 19 < Content-Language: en_GB < X-Robots-Tag: noindex < X-Request-Id: 1443f08e-e7be-4f8b-94ff-0759abf5089f < eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvZWRnZS0wMi5wbGF5bWVkaWEtY2RuLm5ldFwvb3JpZ2luMDJcL2FtbHN0OmkyNC1lbmdcL3BsYXlsaXN0Lm0zdTg_ZGFyPXdzJnQ9MThkZGYxYjExZmYwZmJiMjc2NTlhMjY1YjM5ZDExMjYzYTk2ZjUxZDg5MDg1Y2E1NjAyYmJlMWIyY2I3ZjJhZGNmZDZiMDk4MDk0N2Y3YTY4NDE1MDk2YmI3Yjg3MjhmY2U3ZjE0OGIzMGY5YWJlMTcwMDdjMDg2OGNhN2RhNGJkZWNlMWVlYzM5MTc3YTJjOWQ1M2VhNWM1OTY1YTA1NzNmMzkzOWE4MzMwNjhiZmVjODUxZWZjNTdjYzFlMDQ0NmZiNmEyNjMzOGU4ZWZjNWM5NzI3YTc1Nzg1NDlhNTYwNTE4MzgzZjZlYTA3MTk3NGRhNTRmZjBiMGQ4MzM3YTczYzg5MTljYzQyNTg0YzdlMzAwZTcxN2Q4YThiN2QwMDlkZTUwMGQ5ZGI2YTgwYjYwNTgyNjRlZjUxNDExMzA1NGNjZjg1Y2EyZjA5OGZmYjBhNjQ1NjA0NDdmMjEwYSJ9.Il5tHSB8CYsYl1sQF62tng7kZ3N2m32CRicYPkLmK3E* Connection #0 to host left intact Press any key to continue . . . To automate this I'll need command line tool to "base64decode". Maybe "base64decode" isn't the best tool, you see some part of decoded url in machine code. Very good starting point. So long for today. |
Re: i24NEWS LiveHi again,
I have test it now on fly (with my tools) and it works to play / record the streams.Only thing you have to check is the base64 middle string for one wrong sign "_" like this... Code:
dTg_ZGFy Code:
.m3u8?dar= .m3u8?dar= greetz |
Re: i24NEWS LiveBy changing: "_" to: "/" I get it right:
eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvZWRnZS0wMi5wbGF5bWVkaWEtY2 RuLm5ldFwvb3JpZ2luMDJcL2FtbHN0OmkyNC1lbmdcL3BsYXls aXN0Lm0zdTg_ZGFyPXdzJnQ9MThkZGYxYjExZmYwZmJiMjc2NT lhMjY1YjM5ZDExMjYzYTk2ZjUxZDg5MDg1Y2E1NjAyYmJlMWIy Y2I3ZjJhZGNmZDZiMDk4MDk0N2Y3YTY4NDE1MDk2YmI3Yjg3Mj hmOGM0MGFiNDk2OGJjYmM3NDViYjYwOTg5ZjAxZTkzNTRhNWNk Yjc3NmU2N2U2OGUxZTM1NGU3OTYzYWI2YzI4NzYyODU1YjJjOT hhMDY5Yzk0MzJlMWYxMjY1MTU1NDdjZmY5YzE0Yjc3MDBlNDZm YTFiOTM0ZmQ4YTdiOGEwNWExZjE2Zjc1ZDYxMTJjMDRlMWQzYT JhNjE3MjVhZDVhOTdjMjUwOGY0MGVlMDk0ZjdiZmQ0OWQ2MTM4 MjNmYjczNGFkNjFhMmE0OWVkNDAyOTM2YjkyYThlNjlhOWIwYT AzYTNjOWQ4NjJlYWZhZmEzM2NmOWY1OWEyODgwNDVkYSJ9 eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvZWRnZS0wMi5wbGF5bWVkaWEtY2 RuLm5ldFwvb3JpZ2luMDJcL2FtbHN0OmkyNC1lbmdcL3BsYXls aXN0Lm0zdTg/ZGFyPXdzJnQ9MThkZGYxYjExZmYwZmJiMjc2NTlhMjY1YjM5ZD ExMjYzYTk2ZjUxZDg5MDg1Y2E1NjAyYmJlMWIyY2I3ZjJhZGNm ZDZiMDk4MDk0N2Y3YTY4NDE1MDk2YmI3Yjg3MjhmOGM0MGFiND k2OGJjYmM3NDViYjYwOTg5ZjAxZTkzNTRhNWNkYjc3NmU2N2U2 OGUxZTM1NGU3OTYzYWI2YzI4NzYyODU1YjJjOThhMDY5Yzk0Mz JlMWYxMjY1MTU1NDdjZmY5YzE0Yjc3MDBlNDZmYTFiOTM0ZmQ4 YTdiOGEwNWExZjE2Zjc1ZDYxMTJjMDRlMWQzYTJhNjE3MjVhZD VhOTdjMjUwOGY0MGVlMDk0ZjdiZmQ0OWQ2MTM4MjNmYjczNGFk NjFhMmE0OWVkNDAyOTM2YjkyYThlNjlhOWIwYTAzYTNjOWQ4Nj JlYWZhZmEzM2NmOWY1OWEyODgwNDVkYSJ9 {"url":"https:\/\/\/origin02\/amlst:i24-eng\/playlist.m3u8?dar=ws&t=18ddf1b11ff0fbb27659a265b39 d11263a96f51d89085ca5602bbe1b2cb7f2adcfd6b0980947f 7a68415096bb7b8728f8c40ab4968bcbc745bb60989f01e935 4a5cdb776e67e68e1e354e7963ab6c28762855b2c98a069c94 32e1f126515547cff9c14b7700e46fa1b934fd8a7b8a05a1f1 6f75d6112c04e1d3a2a61725ad5a97c2508f40ee094f7bfd49 d613823fb734ad61a2a49ed402936b92a8e69a9b0a03a3c9d8 62eafafa33cf9f59a288045da"} This url doesn't play after I try it maybe because it must be used in matter of seconds. To test that I need to script all procedure and for the start I found one decoder that works how I need it to work but only on short string like "johnny cool", not on long string like m3u8 url. So I still look for right decoder which should decode string ideally on command line. Here is example of: Base64 by ProXoft L.L.C ( Valid command line syntax: To Encode: Base64[.exe] /e[ncode] sourceFile [destinationFile] To Decode: Base64[.exe] /d[ecode] sourceFile [destinationFile] For Help: Base64[.exe] /h Note: if optional parameter [destinationFile] is omitted, program's output will be redirected to the console window. Here is how it works: C:\>base64.exe /e 1.txt am9obm55IGNvb2w= C:\>base64.exe /e 1.txt 2.txt File '1.txt' was successfully Byte64 encoded and saved to '2.txt' C:\>base64.exe /d 2.txt johnny cool C:\> |
Re: i24NEWS Live |
Re: i24NEWS LiveYes it does for some period of time.
I mentioned that in one previous post here. Chunklist will play and playlist will not play. The problem is how do you get chunklist without opening the browser? I get it only after stream started playing in the browser. I don't want to use the browser and want to watch the stream in player without browser at all. You are welcome with any new ideas and suggestions, if you know of any command line base64 decoder post the link here, I'm currently looking for one. That decoder I wrote about can be used if I split big encoded m3u8 in smaller pieces and loop to put decoded pieces together, but why complicate if there is more capable decoder. |
Re: i24NEWS LiveI found one non-free decoder on the internet and renamed it to decoder.exe.
It works exactly as it should. As if developer read my mind when he wrote it. C:\>decoder Less commandline paremters found! C:\> C:\>decoder -d eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvZWRnZS0wNC5wbGF5bWVkaWEtY2 RuLm5ldFwvb3JpZ2luMDJcL2FtbHN0OmkyNC1lbmdcL3BsYXls aXN0Lm0zdTg/ZGFyPXdzJnQ9MThkZGYxYjExZmYwZmJiMjc2NTlhMjY1YjM5ZD ExMjZmZmRkM2NjZTAzNzUzYzcwZjBlNTg2ZjZmY2JiMjZlMGUx Mjk0MzBhZjJhNGNiYjNmZGZkYzVhY2JlNjc5YmVlOTZhN2Y3M2 FlNTk2YTE2NTRiYzk2MGVkZjg1YTI0OWI1YjI3NjE4YjJhM2Vm NjdjZmVjM2QyN2Q5MjU4ZGQwZTBjMTAzMmQzNzM1N2ZjMzEyMz c4NmQ0ZDgxYjJhZGNkOTFlM2JhMzg0MzUzNjlmY2QxZWI2N2Vm M2Y1NTIzYjAwMjkxOTYyY2Y5MmRkZGYxZTczY2ZhMWY5NjI4OW ZjZjE5OGVkYjQ1MjdjN2JiNmMwOGRmODZhOGUxMGY1OWE4OTM2 YTE4Yjg2N2QyNGE4MzRkYTlhODQ1NTI2ZDU3NTM5MDdmMTk0Zj ljZDA1ZjkxZGVmNGEzNDQ0MTIwODgyNyJ9 {"url":"https:\/\/\/origin02\/amlst:i24-eng\/playlist.m3u8?dar=ws&t=18ddf1b11ff0fbb27659a265b39 d1126ffdd3cce03753c70f0e586f6fcbb26e0e129430af2a4c bb3fdfdc5acbe679bee96a7f73ae596a1654bc960edf85a249 b5b27618b2a3ef67cfec3d27d9258dd0e0c1032d37357fc312 3786d4d81b2adcd91e3ba38435369fcd1eb67ef3f5523b0029 1962cf92dddf1e73cfa1f96289fcf198edb4527c7bb6c08df8 6a8e10f59a8936a18b867d24a834da9a845526d5753907f194 f9cd05f91def4a34441208827"} C:\> |
Re: i24NEWS LiveAnd here are the latest news from Holy Land in MPV:
#include <AutoItConstants.au3> $hls = "^&language=en" $iPID = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c curl.exe ' & $hls,'',@SW_HIDE,$STDOUT_CHILD) ProcessWaitClose($iPID) Local $s = StdoutRead($iPID) $s = StringTrimLeft($s,StringInStr($s,'.')) $s = StringTrimRight($s,(StringLen($s)+1)-StringInStr($s,'.')) $s = StringReplace($s,'_','/') $iPID = Run('cmd.exe /c decoder.exe -d ' & $s,'','',$STDOUT_CHILD) ProcessWaitClose($iPID) $s = StdoutRead($iPID) $s = StringReplace($s,'\/','/') $s = StringReplace($s,'{"url":"','') $s = StringReplace($s,'"}','') $header = '--http-header-fields="Referer:","User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:64.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/64.0"' $s = $header & ' "' & $s & '"' ShellExecute('mpv.exe',$s) Last edited by j_cool : 02-02-2019 at 07:16 AM. |
Re: i24NEWS LiveIs forum alive or dead ???
If alive, there are a lot of changes out there since the old days. Here is the latest one that works. HTML Code:
C:\>streamlink best [cli][info] Found matching plugin playtv for URL [cli][info] Available streams: 300k (worst), 800k (best) [cli][info] Opening stream: 800k (hls) [cli][info] Starting player: C:\P\VLC\vlc.exe Cheers. |
Re: i24NEWS LiveIf somebody wants streamlink plugin for half arabic half english version of i24 broadcast
he may raise his voice on streamlink's link: plugin might be seen on the horizon. i24 link, free to watch in web browser: |
Re: i24NEWS Live |
Tags: i24, i24news |
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