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Old 01-16-2010, 09:47 AM
Stream Recorder
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HowTo: Recording Go To Meeting Webinar (GoToWebinar) with GoToMeeting itself

Go To Meeting Webinar Recording allows an organizer to record all screen activity that is presented in the GoToWebinar Viewer window, including desktop and application sharing of other organizers, panelists and/or attendees presenting in the Webinar.

See System Requirements for requirements to record a Go To Meeting Webinar.

Before recording a Go To Meeting Webinar, an organizer must set recording preferences, including selecting the audio format and recording media format (either GoToMeeting format or Windows Media Player format). If the Windows Media Player format is selected, GoToWebinar will begin an automatic conversion process immediately after a Webinar has ended. Allow time for the conversion to take place. The time needed is dependent upon video content, CPU speed and amount of memory available.

To record the audio portion of your session, an organizer must have a sound card installed on his or her computer. (In other words, be able to hear music on the computer.) To record using GoToWebinar Total Audio Service, an organizer can use the telephone or a microphone connected to his or her computer. To record using the organizer's private audio service, an organizer must have a phone patch connected to both the phone and the "mic in" port of his or her computer.

Only one recording file is created per Webinar. This means that if an organizer clicks Record to start the recording, then stops the recording and subsequently restarts the recording during the course of one Webinar, GoToWebinar will continue recording to one Webinar recording file.

The default destination location to save a recording defaults to the My Documents folder. An organizer can change the destination location but only before beginning recording. It is recommended that the designated location have a minimum of 1.0 GB of free space in order to accommodate the recording. For optimum recording performance and in-session experience, it is recommended that you select a location on your local hard drive.

How to Record Go To Meeting Webinar with GoToMeeting itself
Please note that Note: The Go To Meeting Webinar Recording feature is only available to organizers.

Recording a Webinar is only available using a PC. If you are using a Mac and want your Webinar recorded, invite a PC-based organizer (GoToMeeting Corporate plans) or panelist and promote to organizer in-session (GoToWebinar plans). A PC-based organizer will have the recording feature. Archiving on the GoToWebinar Web site (GoToMeeting Corporate plans) is not available for Mac users. To archive, the PC user who is recording needs to be an invited organizer for the Webinar.

How to configure Go To Meeting Recording settings
  1. From the Organizer Control Panel, click the View menu, select Recording. The Recording pane will appear in the Control Panel. Click Settings.

  2. On the Recording category:

    Audio: Allows you to enable or disable the audio recording feature. To record, choose which audio service you want to use for your Webinar.

    Note: If using VoIP, be sure to check your audio device settings under the Audio category.

    Video: Allows you to select the Go To Meeting Webinar recording output format and destination for saving the file.

    Save in: Select the folder in which you want to save your Go To Meeting Webinar recording.

  3. Click OK.

Note: If you are using VoIP, see the VoIP Audio Best Practices section of this guide for information on testing your audio device.

Note: For optimum recording performance and in-session experience, it is recommended that you select a location on your local hard drive.

Note: You cannot change location setting once you have started to record a Webinar. If you do not specify a destination location, the default is My Documents.

How to record Go To Meeting Webinar
  1. When you are ready to begin recording, click Start Recording. All screen activity that is presented in the GoToWebinar Viewer Window will be captured.

  2. Click Stop Recording to pause or stop recording completely. Clicking Start Recording again will continue recording to the same file.

Note: The lower you set your monitor resolution, the better the quality of the Webinar recording. A resolution of 1024 x 768 is recommended for optimal recording quality. Since the recording will scale to the highest resolution among the presenters in a recorded Webinar, it is also recommended that all presenters set their resolution to the same setting. Avoid displaying multiple monitors when recording a Webinar.

Note: GoToWebinar will begin recording audio input from the time that the organizer clicks Start Recording; however, the screen recording will not start until the presenter begins showing his or her screen. If screen sharing is not turned on during the course of the recorded Webinar, the playback will show a black screen and playback the audio recording only.

Note: You must have at least 500 MB of space on the destination drive to record a Webinar. If you have less than 500 MB of available space, GoToWebinar will display a warning when Recording begins. If space drops to 100 MB, recording will be automatically stopped and you will receive a warning message. If you have selected to convert your recording to Windows Media format, you will need 1 GB (twice as much space). The Remaining field in the Recording pane refers to the amount of space available for recording that is listed in the Recording Preferences Save In field.

Note: If the organizer of a Go To Meeting webinar didn't enable the recording feature, you can record the webinar with screen video capture software.
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