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Old 03-23-2008, 02:39 AM
Posts: n/a

How to stream MP3 with peercast without connecting to peercast?

I just ran across this forum, and I'm hoping someone here could maybe give me a bit of advice? I'm setting up a site, really just exploring this as a hobby, but I'm a bit out of my comfort zone.

Here's what I'd love to do, if possible: I'd like to stream mp3's via peercast without connecting to the peercast network, directly to other user's pc's through a flash player I would install on my site, so they wouldn't have any clients to have to download. Doable? I'm assuming so, but is there any software or anything that might make this a bit easier on me?

It doesn't have to be freeware, I'd be willing to invest a bit in a nice virtual studio if someone has any recommendations, because I'm not a wiz with flash either so if there's something that might be bundled with a flash player I could install on my site that would even be better. I'd like the player to show what track/artist is playing at that time too, so, hopefully something like this is available somewhere...

Any suggestions???
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Old 03-24-2008, 02:58 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: How to stream MP3 with peercast without connecting to peercast?

I don't really know whether it is possible to broadcast with peercast without connecting to the peercast network. But I think it is next to impossible to use flash player to play p2p MP3 streams from peercast.

You can use freeware red5 or Icecast streaming servers to broadcast MP3. Obviously there are stream capture programs that can rip MP3 from such servers, but you can't download MP3s from them directly.

You can use some other streaming servers. Say rtsp Quick Time streams are very hard to record.

And you can always use a freelance project marketplace like GetAFreelancer, ScriptLance, RentACoder to hire an expirienced IT professional for you job. Just make sure the person you wanna hire has enough of experience in the domain. Also see other's feedback.
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