Note that the hmac may expire, so you'll need to sniff out a new one....check your inbox for regex
c:\livestreamer>livestreamer "hlsvariant://*~
hmac=6a08c22a0fae517fc703a6a0dc047fcdbd4be3d83bd3900418e9f6b4b615322d&hdcore=3.0.3" best -o "israel.mp4"
[cli][info] Found matching plugin stream for URL hlsvariant://
[cli][info] Available streams: 288p, 360p, 432p (best), 64k (worst)
[cli][info] Opening stream: 432p (hls)
[download][israel.mp4] Written 2.2 MB (25s @ 88.0 KB/s) I
nterrupted! Closing currently open stream...
Originally Posted by mirw