Originally Posted by placebo
on my pc, i have major trouble getting " URL Snooper 2" to work. i've seen it working on my machine. nevertheless its installation is not fool proof. when i install it, it doesnt mean that it will work. i h*te URLSnooper2 for this. HiDownload (again by a Chin*se coder) makes clever use of PCwincap and integrates " URL Helper" which is also a product of the makers of HiDownload. So when i need a pcwincap-based sniffer i would install a trial version of Hidownload Platinum Edition and it's sure to work. URL sniffers seem hard to install or hard to make work flawlessly.. even if your pcwincap installation is valid. When weather's bad outside, the proggi wouldnt work *ggg*
The advantage of CooJah is that it is not based on pcwincap (i think), and though it doesnt catch all rtmp and or rtmpe links (depends on the website!), it does catch some good amount of such links. sometimes a reboot would help. or using internet explorer. or going thru the settings. and yes, as in our case, sometimes coojah catches the links on one pc (mine) but not on the other's (yours) .. i am sure the coder of coojah himself/herself could explain this odd behaviour.
toxin, im running winxp. maybe coojah isnt intended for win7.. 
i'd prefer a totally English language version too. as long as coojah is a freeware tool, we cant demand much from the coder.. *ggg*
If you just want to find HTTP,MMS,RTSP URL,you should try
Bit Analyzer,it looks like a clone of Bit Recorder which is also a product by the company of HiDownload.Although it use WinPcap,I dont have any problem using on any PC I Installed it on,plus it's free and lightweight,you can put it on USB drive and then use it on any pc with WinPcap installed.
I use packet sniffer for RTMP URL,some RTMP sniffers can only find RTMP url,not also some other stuffs like swf url,page url,which are also required to download the stream.