commandline like this...
ffmpeg.exe -protocol_whitelist file,http,https,tcp,tls,crypto -i "newplay.m3u8" -c:v copy -c:a copy -f mpegts - | C:\Programme\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe -
The newplay.m3u8 is my edited playlist with path to downloaded keyfile and direct links to ts files.
So something what could be possible is downloading the direct playlist + reading all ts file links and adding them as direct links into a main playlist (newplay.m3u8) and saving them too.Now if I see it right then ffmpeg does read each ts link via single access and dosent read entire playlist at once.So if you costantly read the playlist from internet and just adding new ts paths (as full addresses) then it should work.So if you try it manully and just adding new ts files in realtime then you see it will work and ffmpeg keeps playing.You just need to build any automatically process for downloading / parsing / adding new ts links into main playlist and thats all + downloading right key for your choosen playlist quality (800 - 4500).
Of course it would be better to write any script for that process (I am not into scripting) to make that working or much better would be if there are any ffmpeg commands downloading set ts ranges anyhow and setting keyfile link extra etc.I told similar things already in the past so that others how are into ffmpeg / streamlink could add such features to make it work.No idea why these guys nothing did in that direction (or maybe they did and I am not up to date etc).So all in all I dont see big problems to do this.
Anyway,so I think in such cases where tools are limited you need to find other solutions (scripting / coding extra stuff) to handle it you know.