Does somebody know how can I capture the stream of this website:
I tried with this and works fine:
>> livestreamer "hlsvariant://http://streannlive-lh.akamaihd.net/i/VibzFMAVRA_1@312679/master.m3u8?hdnts=exp=1485521638~acl=/*~~hmac=9af9e92784505942151cbb75b5a2b70615bf5b2ef9 2c71d430bc6de88771514d" best
But after the token expires (around 30 seconds) I cannot reconnect again (403 error), does somebody know how can I renew the auth parameters: hdnts=exp...
I tried with this url:
http://tp.srgssr.ch/akahd/token?acl=/*~ but with those authparams the livestreamer is not working.
Thank you very much!!!