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Old 03-07-2014, 01:37 PM
xaboxa xaboxa is offline
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Re: What happened to Itsme and the lurk4 forums?

Is there any reason he should come back and tell anything at all ? Unfortunately I did never know that such app and such forum exist at all until I googled for this board and read about them in here.

Further, as I could see at this forum board in general, many of the people are asking only and not willing to give anything in return. With the exception of the few guys who are ready to help anytime around the forum board, this one (adult forum) more or less stopped having any sense of being part of the board. There has not been posted anything new for ages (i know - because of it is public but that does not change the things to much).

My efforts to move things forward stopped when our private board has been closed long time ago and it is not coming back.

Even more: There are many smartasses that are posting recorded private shows everywhere around the web which got in trouble not only the community, also the creators of some apps so they stopped supporting and developing them in the way recording of the pvt shows could be possible (for free).

Therefore, speaking about itsme, I think he has all the right to do whatever he want. Even he never comes back I think he has already contributed community more than enough and we all should be thankful to him !
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Old 03-08-2014, 10:42 AM
thefan thefan is offline
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Re: What happened to Itsme and the lurk4 forums?

Yeah hes lurking here from time to time. I do hope he would get the forum/program fully conditional again. I think he is underestimating the value of the program, id easily pay 30$ a month for it, and im sure im not the only one.

A grand+ every month is not bad, because the program is mostly functional still, so constant development is not necessary. What i mean that hed have to propably fix it a few hours every month, but thats about it.

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Old 03-08-2014, 01:48 PM
Spinnaker2001 Spinnaker2001 is offline
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Re: What happened to Itsme and the lurk4 forums?

Yeah I'd definitely pay monthly for the program too. He probably got pissed by idiots like Dwight_K_Schrute from Kitty-Kats who was selling a copy of it for like $100.

Unfortunately all it takes is just a single bad apple in the bunch to ruin the fun for everyone, I hope he returns and if he does I'd be more than happy to pay a recurring monthly subscription to keep his project alive.
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Old 03-08-2014, 05:59 PM
jabbath1987 jabbath1987 is offline
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Re: What happened to Itsme and the lurk4 forums?

I would have no problem to pay monthly for it too :-)
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Old 03-24-2014, 04:40 PM
Dwight_K_Schrute Dwight_K_Schrute is offline
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Re: What happened to Itsme and the lurk4 forums?

Originally Posted by Spinnaker2001 View Post
Yeah I'd definitely pay monthly for the program too. He probably got pissed by idiots like Dwight_K_Schrute from Kitty-Kats who was selling a copy of it for like $100.

Unfortunately all it takes is just a single bad apple in the bunch to ruin the fun for everyone, I hope he returns and if he does I'd be more than happy to pay a recurring monthly subscription to keep his project alive.
Keep spewing your lies about me. I know this is the owner of a certain pirate site that posts thousands of caps daily. You were the only person to ever get the application from me and that was only because you stole it.

So cut the shit.

And I threatened to sell it after itsme did what he did towards me. He was butthurt after I acted as the go between delivering some messages from another coder who had something he wanted, but he was unwilling to offer any answers to some simple questions that the other coder had and he demanded to be given the code to access the private feeds. When that didn't happen he banned my access to the board.

I have a new solution for MFC feeds so I don't care if Lurk is gone for good. I was one of only a few who offered to donate funds on a monthly basis to itsme in the beginning, but I guess that means nothing.
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Old 03-24-2014, 05:16 PM
guestbuy guestbuy is offline
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Re: What happened to Itsme and the lurk4 forums?

Originally Posted by Dwight_K_Schrute View Post
I have a new solution for MFC feeds so I don't care if Lurk is gone for good. I was one of only a few who offered to donate funds on a monthly basis to itsme in the beginning, but I guess that means nothing.
You should share your secret.. or program.
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Old 03-24-2014, 05:30 PM
xaboxa xaboxa is offline
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Re: What happened to Itsme and the lurk4 forums?

Originally Posted by guestbuy View Post
You should share your secret.. or program.
Yeah and what would be the reason for him to do that ? Is there a single one ? Especially posting it in public forum board.

By the way, reading all this and from my point of experience, I can not believe how hard is to find a person you can trust and talk about some "sensitive" informations.
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Old 03-25-2014, 09:30 PM
thefan thefan is offline
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Re: What happened to Itsme and the lurk4 forums?

There are several options in capping mfc, but none of them worked so well then lurk4. Starting caps based on certain number of viewers, so youd always get the fun stuff....

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Old 03-26-2014, 01:42 AM
Spinnaker2001 Spinnaker2001 is offline
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Re: What happened to Itsme and the lurk4 forums?

Originally Posted by Dwight_K_Schrute View Post
Keep spewing your lies about me. I know this is the owner of a certain pirate site that posts thousands of caps daily. You were the only person to ever get the application from me and that was only because you stole it.

So cut the shit.

And I threatened to sell it after itsme did what he did towards me. He was butthurt after I acted as the go between delivering some messages from another coder who had something he wanted, but he was unwilling to offer any answers to some simple questions that the other coder had and he demanded to be given the code to access the private feeds. When that didn't happen he banned my access to the board.

I have a new solution for MFC feeds so I don't care if Lurk is gone for good. I was one of only a few who offered to donate funds on a monthly basis to itsme in the beginning, but I guess that means nothing.
Ummm, you've definitely got the wrong idea as to who I am. But I know I definitely saw you selling copies of Lurk on Kitty-Kats and that's just fucking pathetic of you & everyone on here knows that.

You are a pathetic piece of shit that intentionally alters Lurk videos to be 10-20 times larger than they should be so that people get forced into paying for your pirate links.

How fucking low of you...
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Old 04-23-2014, 09:00 PM
Dwight_K_Schrute Dwight_K_Schrute is offline
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Re: What happened to Itsme and the lurk4 forums?

Originally Posted by Spinnaker2001 View Post
Ummm, you've definitely got the wrong idea as to who I am. But I know I definitely saw you selling copies of Lurk on Kitty-Kats and that's just fucking pathetic of you & everyone on here knows that.

You are a pathetic piece of shit that intentionally alters Lurk videos to be 10-20 times larger than they should be so that people get forced into paying for your pirate links.

How fucking low of you...
I didn't sell the application to anyone. Saying one thing to piss someone off and doing another are two completely different things.

And listening to a certain someone (who I suspect you are to begin with) who likes to make bullshit claims about my videos just makes you look like even more on ignorant moron. My videos in 95% of cases are not altered to be "10-20 times larger..." as you put it. In the aforementioned percentage above videos are actually smaller thank the original Lurk4 recordings. A certain someone who claims this same crap over at another shitty site doesn't know what he is talking about.

That person going on and on about how MFC is a 240p website BLAH BLAH ignorant to the fact that 240p is a fucking resolution! File size is more dependent on the god damn bitrate, which 95% of the time is lower than the original broadcast. Some models put out better streams due to their connection, cam, etc.

One example would be a WildeBrantley g/g show where the 4:13:04 long video was 980.09MB in size and the original was 1.31GB. So as you can see I make the thing smaller while preserving the picture quality. Compared to the crap that is spewed out by FG.

So you can take your misinformed opinions of move and shove them up your ass.
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