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Old 11-05-2009, 04:24 PM
bonker bonker is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
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bonker is on a distinguished road

GoalBit 0.6.1 Open Source P2P TV

Hi, there is a useful new P2P TV application available which doesn't need any Servers or Trackers.

Goalbit Media Player is the open-source software that can connect to and play Goalbit channels. This player is based on the VLC media player, an open-source project with a very successful career and millions of downloads. It is available for downloading from , where there are links to the Windows executable and its source code. The Goalbit Project is always concerned in the multi-platform property of the player, so that is why the source code compiles for Linux, Windows and Mac users, and nobody has to feel excluded

The Goalbit Project is responsible for its birth and development through academic funds dedicated to the investigations of P2P networks. It is in constant development and always trying to incorporate useful and successful innovations out there!

Among the variety of characteristis The Goalbit Team is proud of, the main characteristics of the Goalbit player are:

# Open-source software, under GPL license.
# Multi-plataform (Linux, Windows, Mac).
# Does what it says it does. That means, there are no announced funcionalities that are not implemented, and it does not mean that it works under any conditions!
# It's easy to try a P2P broadcast for yourself, and even easier to tune its configuration to your needs!
# Supports all the codecs supported by VLC (that is because one of the major concerns is to have the latest version of VLC incorporated!).
# Its cool logo
Project Page:


You get here lots of Informations:

Howto Broadcast:

GoalBit working via Kademlia since version 0.6, you must Open for Kad UDP Port 3001!
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Old 11-11-2009, 02:08 PM
bonker bonker is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 2
bonker is on a distinguished road

GoalBit 0.6.2 Open Source P2P TV

What's new in Goalbit 0.6.2?
Bug fix: Broadcasting mode from GUI.

Bug fix and improvements in Kad protocol.
Note: Kad protocol of Goalbit 0.6.2 is still compatible with Goalbit 0.6.1 clients, but we highly recommend you to update your version.

Bug fix: Much lower cpu usage

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