Originally Posted by casketizer
You wont be able to test the stream, its a newscast from my cabletv provider and only accessible to its customers. If you don't believe me i can create a screen capture video at the weekend.
I have tried 5 or 6 times to change the download folder to another drive, coz i keep programs and data on seperate drives. I had to reboot the machine for another reason, and when i started WMR again, it was back at its defalut folder, i set it to new folder, closed it, reopened it, it was back to its default folder. After 5 or 6 attempts i gave up.
It's not that I didn't believe you. There could be some problematic streams. But after contacting the developer of WM Recorder I was always able to record most of them (This is not usually a case when dealing with free software. One of the reasons to buy software is to have a decent support.) Sometimes one just have to change the settings and sometimes a software bug needs to be fixed (As a programmer you know that well).