Hello guys, i started this thread to see if anyone can help me get the audio files (mp3) from this site.
so far, i've only managed to get some links:
this the link i get using IDM. It shows the length of the song is 4min 7seg, but when i download it, i only get 1min preview:
i believe this is the playpath:
using Wireshark (network protocol analyzer software), i can see something called "RtmpSampleAccess" which gives me pretty much all the ID3 tags and Metadata of the song, including: Album title, Artist name, Lyrics, Songtitle, Genre, Year, Writing library, Picture Data (image/jpeg) 36946 bytes, duration Number 247,249, and few more ID tags
Looking for more links with Wireshark, i found this:
<ASX version="3.0">
<TITLE>Olleh Music Service</TITLE>
<REF HREF="mms://cdn.dosirak.com/OP/SONG/WMA/086/714/86714841_192k.wma" />
but i can't download it.
Any help?