The problem is that I can't play the stream.
I tried to view the source of the page and got
<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" id="wmplayer" bgcolor="#000000" src="" allowfullscreen="true" autostart="1" showstatusbar="1" autosize="-1" allowscan="-1" allowchangedisplaysize="-1" displaymode="0" displaysize="4" enabled="-1" enablecontextmenu="0" enablepositioncontrols="-1" enablefullscreencontrols="1" enabletracker="-1" sendopenstatechangeevents="-1" sendwarningevents="-1" senderrorevents="-1" sendkeyboardevents="0" sendmouseclickevents="0" sendmousemoveevents="0" sendplaystatechangeevents="-1" showcontrols="1" showaudiocontrols="1" showdisplay="0" showgotobar="0" showpositioncontrols="0" showtracker="0" volume="20" width="375" height="210">
If I download the highlighter URL, I get an .asx metafile
Usually you can use one of these URLs to download the stream, or replace http with mms or rtsp to download.