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Old 02-01-2012, 09:06 AM
Fraffo Fraffo is offline
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Game Recorder HD on TV/Monitor Acer AT1921?

First, hi to all!
I'm italian, so my english isn't very well (and I'm sorry in advance for this) but is the only forum that seems good in the argument.
I've a TV/Monitor Acer AT1921 19" (1440x1000, I think) and a PS3 connected via HDMI (720p).
Since very soon (26 days) it will be my birthday, with the money that I will receive I thought to buy the AVerMedia Game Capture HD C281 (if I'm not wrong) to recorder my gameplay session (here in Italy I can buy that for 137€, not too much!).
Now I've some question... I noticed that my TV/Monitor isn't in possess of the component video output (RBG), so if I buy this hardware I don't know how to connect it. Down here there are some photos of the retro TV: / /
As you can see, there are the follow port: 1 HDMI, 1 VGA, 1 SDIF-OUT (I don't really know what is it...), 1 PC Audio-In, 1 port respectively L and R audio, 1 Video, 1 S-Video, 1 Scart and 1 Analog Tuner.
The question is: how can I connect the red, blue, green, red and white cable if they aren't in this TV/Monitor? Ok, the red and white port there are (L+R, I suppose), but the rest? In the web shopping site/electronic shop are available a cable converter or something like that?
However this is the only big problem... I know that this Game Capture need an external HDD min 320GB and for this there aren't problem, I've one.
The video made with this are compatible with Mac OS X v10.7.2 (Lion) or, by the way, via Windows runned on Boot Camp?
Thanks in advance to all of you that will answer to my questions!
Best regards^^
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Old 02-05-2012, 10:28 AM
Recteur Recteur is offline
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Re: Game Recorder HD on TV/Monitor Acer AT1921?

You have to use a converter Component to HDMI for your TV.

You don't run natively on Windows? 'Cause there are some capture card from Timeleak allow you to record PS3's gameplay by passing HDCP.

Look for the HD80E, HD70A or HD72A from Timeleak.
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