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Old 05-21-2008, 04:38 PM
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Re: freeme2 - free software to remove DRM protection from Windows Media WMA,WMV,ASF f

Originally Posted by chappatti View Post
BUT, even if I uninstall everything, reinstall and have an version 11.5xxx key, I can UN-DRM for a couple of days. THAT IS THE REAL INTERESTING PART. The new update CLEARLY IS A FIX. So the old keys work for a while, but then the no matter what you do the drm update is required. Although, it LOOKS like an older version - 11.0.6000.6324 - it clearly is a patch from Microsoft that makes you think you have the old drm...
That is not correct. If your content providers do force you to upgrade, then you can remove DRM with lossless software (If you disable automatic updates). If your content provider forces you to upgrade, you won't have "a couple of days".

As for the IBX version, it was a very smart trick from M$.
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Old 05-27-2008, 01:20 PM
consultant consultant is offline
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Re: freeme2 - free software to remove DRM protection from Windows Media WMA,WMV,ASF f

So does this essentially mean that there is no working unDrm software out there right now that you can install fresh since the IBX update will happen when you individualize or play a protected song from a provider that is pushing the new IBX?

If so, is the only option until someone comes out with a patch to use SoundTaxi or other lossy program?

Is SoundTaxi the best choice as far as the lossy programs to use in the interim while waiting for a patch?
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Old 05-28-2008, 12:20 AM
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Re: freeme2 - free software to remove DRM protection from Windows Media WMA,WMV,ASF f

Originally Posted by consultant View Post
So does this essentially mean that there is no working unDrm software out there right now that you can install fresh since the IBX update will happen when you individualize or play a protected song from a provider that is pushing the new IBX?
freeme2 and FairUse4WM are lossless, but they don't work with the latest IBX. So if you are forced to update your IBX to the latest version, they won't work for you.

Originally Posted by consultant View Post
If so, is the only option until someone comes out with a patch to use SoundTaxi or other lossy program?

Is SoundTaxi the best choice as far as the lossy programs to use in the interim while waiting for a patch?
Soundtaxi is the most popular lossy DRM removal software at The next most popular one is Tunebite. However it is hard to say whether one of them is the best. You should compare the features, price and quality and make your own choice.

Daniusoft claims that its software called Daniusoft Digital Media Converter captures packets from media players and re-constructs media files, so it probably supports lossless DRM convertion. But this is pretty vague to me.

Anyway all these programs are free to try, so please try them before buying. And please leave your feedback about your own experience.
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Old 05-29-2008, 10:36 AM
consultant consultant is offline
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Solving problems with IBX 11.0.6000.6324

So in summary, MS to cause confusion and havoc released a new IBX under an older version number because all info on the net says this older version number works. Hopefully all the websites publishing information on setting up unDRM software will update with this new info soon as to save many others from the frustration of trying to make it work when they think they have the correct IBX.

The new IBX appears to only be installed if you are running WMP 11.

In Vista, Microsoft widely made WMP 11 part of the operating system so you cannot uninstall it and downgrade it. I'm sure they did this specifically to strengthen DRM. I imagine it has been a major embarassment to them that there DRM has been defeated fairly easily and those companies paying lots of money are pissed of that unDrm programs are floating around.

Solving problems with IBX 11.0.6000.6324 in Window XP
If you run XP, just
  1. downgrade to WMP10,
  2. delete your DRM directory (Caution: You will lose all you licenses!)
  3. and re-individualize.
(I'm not 100% sure that will work, if not, downgrade to WMP 9).

Solving problems with IBX 11.0.6000.6324 in Window Vista
If you run Vista, currently, once again, the only way to use unDRM software is

to install fresh Windows XP onto WMVare, Virtual PC 2007 (ignore messages that it doesn't support your OS if you are running Vista Home) or any other virtual machine.


to install a stanalone version of Windows XP.

Install Win XP and run SP2 update (Your installation CD with Windows XP can already include SP2 update) which puts you at WMP 9 (I though it would at least take you to 10 but I think 10 should be fine too.) Then you can use unDRM software running XP in Virtual PC. DO NOT UPGRADE YOUR WMP after that.

Downside is, at least on my notebook, I can't use it to play streaming audio from the subscription networks as the sound is crackly. But then I only use Virtual PC to run the unDRM software.

Lastly, if someone updates the software to work with the new IBX, then the Virtual PC route will no longer be needed for Vista users on WMP 11.

I think (hope) I got it all right.
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Old 05-29-2008, 11:17 AM
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Re: freeme2 - free software to remove DRM protection from Windows Media WMA,WMV,ASF f

hi everybody,

god bless you
for summing up all important and especially TRUE facts
about the lossless drm removing under win vista having wmp11 in use hope and wait for a fixed version of FairUse4WM or better a fixed version of drmdbg and freeme2

greetings lui

post scriptum: to make your waiting more productiv use Soundtaxi
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Old 05-29-2008, 10:53 PM
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Re: freeme2 - free software to remove DRM protection from Windows Media WMA,WMV,ASF f

I cannot remove DRM protection from any of the wmv files i have with this tool...or..maybe i've gone wrong in the procedure....please help me.. I dont know to use command line console..
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Old 06-01-2008, 03:54 PM
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Re: freeme2 - free software to remove DRM protection from Windows Media WMA,WMV,ASF f

So I've been trying to un-DRM some WMV files I got at school, needed the SID for freeme2 so I found drmdbg, but I'm getting the "ReadProcessMemory_error". To be specific, I'm getting it the first time I run the program (or after I change the ini file), and then every time I click "Multi Scan" it opens WM11 and closes it. I'm using the 12/25/07 version but my IBX (I individualized yesterday) is the 6000.6324. Is that why I'm getting errors?

Problem is I can't get the licenses for the files anymore, so I'm wary of doing what consultant says in case I lose the licenses (right now the files all play fine). Is there a different way to get back IBX 6000.7000, can I backup my licenses (so I can downgrade but not lose the movies), or will there be an upgrade that handles the new IBX soon? Any help would really be appreciated!

EDIT: Also, I've never gotten any DRM2 keys or folders so far.
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Old 06-01-2008, 11:16 PM
Stream Recorder
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Re: freeme2 - free software to remove DRM protection from Windows Media WMA,WMV,ASF f

Originally Posted by ramparts View Post
So I've been trying to un-DRM some WMV files I got at school, needed the SID for freeme2 so I found drmdbg, but I'm getting the "ReadProcessMemory_error". To be specific, I'm getting it the first time I run the program (or after I change the ini file), and then every time I click "Multi Scan" it opens WM11 and closes it. I'm using the 12/25/07 version but my IBX (I individualized yesterday) is the 6000.6324. Is that why I'm getting errors?
IBX 6000.6324 is not supported by current generation of lossless DRM removal software

Originally Posted by ramparts View Post
Problem is I can't get the licenses for the files anymore, so I'm wary of doing what consultant says in case I lose the licenses (right now the files all play fine). Is there a different way to get back IBX 6000.7000, can I backup my licenses (so I can downgrade but not lose the movies), or will there be an upgrade that handles the new IBX soon? Any help would really be appreciated!
You can't backup your licenses. They are different for different versions of IBX.

If you can't get your licenses (have you really asked your content provider about it?), then you can use lossy DRM removal software or wait for updates of lossless tools.
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Old 06-02-2008, 02:27 PM
chappatti chappatti is offline
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Re: freeme2 - free software to remove DRM protection from Windows Media WMA,WMV,ASF f

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
That is not correct. If your content providers do force you to upgrade, then you can remove DRM with lossless software (If you disable automatic updates). If your content provider forces you to upgrade, you won't have "a couple of days".

As for the IBX version, it was a very smart trick from M$.

You are partly correct. The "couple of days" I got was for a very interseting reason. As I mentioned I have WMP 10 installed after a thorough clean up of WMP 11. The WMP 10 IB is a 11.5xxx. one. Apparently, when I click on a NEWLY added album (like under "newly added releases") I am asked to download the WMP "security upgrade" which of course is the "new" backwards numbered IBX.

BUT with WMP10 the new IBX RESIDES SIDE-BY-SIDE with the old one. So songs that I dowloaded before the upgrade can be UN-DRMed using Fairuse4WM, but the the songs downloaded after the upgrade do not work. This is different from having WMP11 installed since it upgrades with the only IBX avilable for WMP11.

Welll...does anybody else have such an experience? Two IBxs living side by side...or am I only dreaming
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Old 06-02-2008, 02:29 PM
chappatti chappatti is offline
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Re: freeme2 - free software to remove DRM protection from Windows Media WMA,WMV,ASF f

Originally Posted by Stream Recorder View Post
That is not correct. If your content providers do force you to upgrade, then you can remove DRM with lossless software (If you disable automatic updates). If your content provider forces you to upgrade, you won't have "a couple of days".

As for the IBX version, it was a very smart trick from M$.

You are partly correct. The "couple of days" I got was for a very interseting reason. As I mentioned I have WMP 10 installed after a thorough clean up of WMP 11. The WMP 10 IB is a 11.5xxx. one. Apparently, when I click on a NEWLY added album (like under "newly added releases") I am asked to download the WMP "security upgrade" which of course is the "new" backwards numbered IBX.

BUT with WMP10 the new IBX RESIDES SIDE-BY-SIDE with the old one. So songs that I dowloaded before the upgrade can be UN-DRMed using Fairuse4WM, but the the songs downloaded after the upgrade do not work. This is different from having WMP11 installed since it upgrades with the only IBX avilable for WMP11.

Welll...does anybody else have such an experience? Two IBxs living side by side...or am I only dreaming Thsi is getting painful!!!!!! I wish i could do some basic programming....!!! My hats of to the guys who got us this far!
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