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Old 05-24-2011, 03:46 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Free VPN or other services providing USA IP address for buying Kindle Store books?

Are there any free VPN or other services providing USA IP address for buying Kindle Store books? I've tried many VPNs already, but can't find the one supporting HTTPS protocol required to make a purchase on Amazon.

Can VPN support HTTPS protocol? Or are there any other ways to get a USA IP address?
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Old 05-24-2011, 04:05 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: Free VPN or other services providing USA IP address for buying Kindle Store books

hi, we all are amazonDOTcom customers, arent we?
i can buy standard books, CDs, etc. from there without problems.

i live in Europe and with standard VPN techniques i can also buy AmazonMP3's (amazonDOTcom).
but when it comes down to Amazon Instant Video, then the VPN techniques help me get to some point (deep in the order process) when all of a sudden i get an error message: "your credit card must be issued by a U.S. bank. yours isnt. go back to your own country bye."

i dont have Kindle and i dont read kindle stuff so i havent ordered kindle stuff and i dont know if you must be U.S. resident.
As just mentioned, with VPN i can buy amazonmp3's, and with VPN i cannot buy amazon instant videos.

hope this helps.
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Old 05-24-2011, 04:09 AM
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Re: Free VPN or other services providing USA IP address for buying Kindle Store books

I have tried few VPNs, but I wasn't able to use SSL (web-sites using HTTPS) when using them.

To pretend that you have a USA IP address, you can use the following:
  • VPN with USA IP address

    Hotspot Shield is a freeware VPN allowing to use https:// web-sites. However many online stores reject your credit/debit card or paypal transaction when you use Hotspot Shield.
  • Proxy server with VPN with USA IP address
  • The Onion Router (TOR) Anonymity Network with VPN with USA IP address

    The Onion Router (TOR) is a free software enabling users of its network to communicate anonymously on the Internet (TOR claims anonymity because TOR does not, and by design cannot, encrypt the traffic between an exit node and the target server, any exit node is in a position to capture any traffic passing through it which does not use end-to-end encryption, e.g. SSL. So don't mistake TOR's anonymity for security). Please also note that someone can use you an exit node to attack computers, distribute children's porn, send spam and many illegal activities, and so police can come to your door to ask about it!

    To get a USA IP address with TOR, user need to force the last node to be in the USA:

    Click Start -> All Programs -> TOR to open torrc file.
    Append the following two lines to the the bottom of the file:
    StrictExitNodes 1
    ExitNodes {us}
    This will allow dynamically configure a USA-based IP as exit node. TOR will automatically choose a suitable exit node from the
    chosen country.

    Instead of the country you may also show the node names explicitly. The problem is that nodes become removed or inactive. Furthermore other nodes can still be alive but other nodes have a better bandwidth and throughput.
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Old 05-24-2011, 04:13 AM
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Re: Free VPN or other services providing USA IP address for buying Kindle Store books

Originally Posted by any ANONYMOUS forum user View Post
i dont have Kindle and i dont read kindle stuff so i havent ordered kindle stuff and i dont know if you must be U.S. resident.
You can at least download free ebooks from Amazon. Except for pre-orders, Amazon doesn't seem to require a credit/debit card.

And you don't need to have a Kindle Reader to read ebooks from Kindle Store. You can use Kindle for PC as well as other free Kindle apps
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Old 05-24-2011, 09:06 AM
any ANONYMOUS forum user any ANONYMOUS forum user is offline
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Re: Free VPN or other services providing USA IP address for buying Kindle Store books

How to get a USA IP address:
  • Java Anon Proxy (JAP) is very similar to TOR proxy. You install a software, no configuration needed, and you got some new IP (limited ip addresses possible). JAP is German.
  • More people use TOR. JAP is somewhat old... and was maybe the first of its kind. That's why it is still known and used.
    TOR is better, more modern. JAP is easy enough and works pretty good, but i don't recommend it. TOR is quite recommendable ...
  • i definitely prefer freeware Hotspot Shield (HSS). HSS is extremely fast (transfer speed).
  • SecurityKissTunnel (SKT) is slower than Hotspot Shield. I recommend it, although the transfer speeds are slow and there is a 300MB/24h transfer limit. SKT allows for US, UK, and DE ip addresses. Sometimes others as well (CH, AT). When I need UK ip address, I usually use SKT. Recommended download!
  • Another free VPN is VPNReactor. I haven't tested it and i dont know how it works. There's no downloadable software. I cannot recommend it but it's good to know that it exists. Short, i do not recommend it.
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