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Old 03-03-2013, 12:42 PM
Mary Chris Smith Mary Chris Smith is offline
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Re: FLV fixer script

Originally Posted by Mary Chris Smith View Post
Ok, I'll try your version, thanks!
Mh. I tested your version and now I can't download it at all.
It always stops on:
ERROR: Closing connection: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound
With the officlial rtmpdump version I can download the stream. Sometimes the file is fine, sometimes it is corrupt, but it works.
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Old 07-23-2013, 05:38 AM
mehphishtopheles mehphishtopheles is offline
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Re: FLV fixer script

Originally Posted by KSV View Post
@Mary Chris Smith

Well script isn't lying. rtmpdump actually saved the corrupt file. it's a known bug in official version which i fixed ages ago. you need to use my version of rtmpdump to save the proper file in such cases. if you wanna recover the already saved files you have to fix them first by hand.
KSV, can you describe the by-hand fix you mentioned above?

I have some live files I ripped 3 weeks ago with the outdated (2.4 original) version of rtmpdump. They do appear to be corrupt, as they crash every tool i throw at them.

I have no way to re-obtain another dump since it was a live concert webcast. An example of what I am working with for source material:!lxlSVKJD!XpjbrT...KoCkkHGe HSFE
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Old 07-23-2013, 06:07 AM
mehphishtopheles mehphishtopheles is offline
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Re: FLV fixer script

This is the output I get when running your php script:

# php flvfixer.php --nometa --in 1a.flv --out fixed.flv --debug

                                 KSV FLV Fixer

 Type    CurrentTS       PreviousTS      Size    Position        
Writing AVC sequence header
 VIDEO   0               -1              66      13              
Writing AAC sequence header
 AUDIO   0               -1              4       94              
 VIDEO   0               0               52212   113             
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               0               89      
 VIDEO   8               0               89      52340           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               8               91      
 VIDEO   16              8               91      52444           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               16              92      
 VIDEO   24              16              92      52550           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               24              96      
 VIDEO   32              24              96      52657           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               32              98      
 VIDEO   40              32              98      52768           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               40              125     
 VIDEO   48              40              125     52881           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               48              247     
 VIDEO   56              48              247     53021           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               56              390     
 VIDEO   64              56              390     53283           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               64              765     
 VIDEO   72              64              765     53688           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               72              873     
 VIDEO   80              72              873     54468           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               80              2197    
 VIDEO   88              80              2197    55356           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               88              2313    
 VIDEO   96              88              2313    57568           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               96              3001    
 VIDEO   104             96              3001    59896           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               104             2810    
 VIDEO   112             104             2810    62912           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               112             3379    
 VIDEO   120             112             3379    65737           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               120             4011    
 VIDEO   128             120             4011    69131           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               128             4121    
 VIDEO   136             128             4121    73157           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               136             4063    
 VIDEO   144             136             4063    77293           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               144             4930    
 VIDEO   152             144             4930    81371           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               152             5275    
 VIDEO   160             152             5275    86316           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               160             5443    
 VIDEO   168             160             5443    91606           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               168             5492    
 VIDEO   176             168             5492    97064           
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               176             5662    
 VIDEO   184             176             5662    102571          
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               184             5826    
 VIDEO   192             184             5826    108248          
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               192             5861    
 VIDEO   200             192             5861    114089          
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               200             5996    
 VIDEO   208             200             5996    119965          
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               208             5731    
 VIDEO   216             208             5731    125976          
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               216             6348    
 VIDEO   224             216             6348    131722          
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               224             5897    
 VIDEO   232             224             5897    138085          
Fixing video timestamp
 VIDEO   0               232             6402    
 VIDEO   240             232             6402    143997          
Timestamp gap detected: PacketTS=1870706200 LastTS=240 Timeshift=1870705960
Timestamp gap detected: PacketTS=26934631 LastTS=240 Timeshift=26934391
Timestamp gap detected: PacketTS=227358670 LastTS=240 Timeshift=227358430
Broken FLV tag encountered! Aborting further processing.
Processed input file in 2.57 seconds

Last edited by mehphishtopheles : 07-23-2013 at 07:33 AM.
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Old 07-23-2013, 09:24 AM
KSV KSV is offline
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Re: FLV fixer script

i am not gonna download 2 GB file just to explain the method. only upload first 10 MB of file.
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Old 07-23-2013, 09:53 AM
mehphishtopheles mehphishtopheles is offline
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Re: FLV fixer script

Originally Posted by KSV View Post
i am not gonna download 2 GB file just to explain the method. only upload first 10 MB of file.
Of course, my apologies.

Is there a windows shell command I can use to save just the first 10MB of the file into a new one? I'm not exactly sure how to do that.

Thank you for your patience and kindness. I am desperately in need of your help, as I have a number of files that have this exact problem. I know how to avoid it in the future now using your custom compiled version of rtmpdump, but would like to be able to get useable footage out of some of the stuff I already ripped with the old version.
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Old 07-23-2013, 10:24 AM
KSV KSV is offline
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Re: FLV fixer script

save the following script as trim.php and run the command line

php trim.php "input video.flv"
$handle = fopen($argv[1], 'rb');
$data   = fread($handle, 10 * 1024 * 1024);
file_put_contents("$argv[1]" . ".trim", $data);
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Old 07-23-2013, 10:48 AM
mehphishtopheles mehphishtopheles is offline
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Re: FLV fixer script

Thank you, KSV.

Here is the trimmed file:!l5V1WSZZ!RkortC...NL7hYsdQ Z2A8
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Old 07-23-2013, 01:31 PM
KSV KSV is offline
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Re: FLV fixer script

i have analyzed it. it doesn't seems like the original capture from rtmpdump. have you ran any other tools on this file? it seems messed up at many places. provide original unaltered rtmpdump trim.
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Old 04-30-2014, 09:56 AM
ZeChico ZeChico is offline
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Re: FLV fixer script


I'm sorry to necro this thread, but I have been using this script for a long time to repair my MFC recordings. I always notice that the videos, specially the long ones had a slow motion after a while and the audio was not synchronized.

Only now that I paid attention to it. It seems the problem was in the "FLV fixer.php" itself, the default value of FRAMEFIX_STEP of 40 was too high.

After many tests I found that the value of 22 is ideal so I changed the line on the script to:
define('FRAMEFIX_STEP', 22);

With this the sound seems fine and so is the motion.

To further repair the files I also created a small bat script (ex: FLVfixer.bat) to repair any FLV in the same folder, it calls the "FLV fixer.php" and uses the "yamdi.exe" (search the net for it) to recreate the metadata, so it needs this 2 files in the same folder. It first repairs the flv into a temporary file and then the yamdi uses the temporary file to rewrite the original one.

This is the DOS BAT script if anyone wants this easier way of repairing many MFC FLV files in the same folder:
FOR %%A IN (*.flv) DO (
IF NOT "%%A"=="temp.flv" CALL :FIX "%%A"

ECHO -------------------------------------------------------
ECHO - Fixing %1...
php "FLV fixer.php" --nometa --fixwindow 1000 --in %1 --out "temp.flv"
ECHO Injecting MetaData with yamdi...
yamdi.exe -i "temp.flv" -k -o %1
ECHO Done!
GOTO :eof

ECHO -------------------------------------------------------
ECHO Deleting temporary file...
DEL /Q "temp.flv"
ECHO All done!
If instead of rewrite the file you instead want it to save into other folder (ex: into folder "OK") you need to edit the following line:
yamdi.exe -i "temp.flv" -k -o .\OK\\%1

To repair old flv repaired by "FLV fixer.php" that got this slow motion problem, you need to edit the "FLV fixer.php" and after editing the line:
define('FRAMEFIX_STEP', 22);

You also need to change the line:
if ($timeShift > $fixWindow)
if ($timeShift == 40)

Thank you KSV for this script.

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Old 09-22-2016, 09:40 AM
CristianoA CristianoA is offline
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Re: FLV fixer script

FLVFixer for Windows anyone ?
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