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Old 11-11-2009, 07:56 AM
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How to fix Windows 7 no audio issue

So after messing with Windows 7 a LOT I believe I have found the way to fix the no audio problem so many of us are having. The issue seems to be that the default audio device in Windows gets changed from "what you hear" to something else. In my case, this was because I installed other devices that have sound capabilities. So at first Replay worked, and then it didn't. If it never worked for you, then you probably never had this setting in windows 7 right.

Here are the steps to fix:
  1. Open "control panel"
  2. click "hardware and sound"
  3. click "manage audio devices"
  4. click "recording tab"
  5. you need to make "what you hear" the default device. If you dont see a green checkmark next to it. select it and click "set default"
  6. In my case, this showed as "unavailable". In order to make it available, I needed to click on the device that WAS the default and turn it off. (in my case, "analog mix"). Select the device, click "properties", then at the drop down at the bottom, chose "dont use this device".
  7. You should now see that "what you hear" is available. Assuming so, select it and chose "set default".

In my case, this fixed the problem.

Hope this helps. Good luck.
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