I'm using the following command to capture a neulion stream (NFL)
ffmpeg \
-y \
-threads 0 \
-user-agent "${agent}" \
-headers "User-Agent: ${agent}" \
-i ${input} \
-copytb 1 \
-c:v copy -c:a copy \
${out_m3u8} \
2> error.log \
I have two questions....it only captures about every 3rd time I run it. The other two times it says it can't find the key. Not sure what's going on here.
The other issue is there is a lot of buffering when it does work. Is there anyway I can control the size of the m3u8 playlist (default is 5 I believe) and also the time of each .ts file? Default is 2 I believe.
I'm wondering if increasing both of these will help with the buffering.
Here's an example link: