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Old 09-11-2012, 07:22 AM
Pibale2002 Pibale2002 is offline
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Fairuse4WM in a XP virtual machine


I was under XP, with WMPlayer 10 and a valid indivbox key.
That enabled me to download legally movies and to break the DRM to be able to watch them on my TV set and when I want...

That worked very well, but I accidentally upgraded my system (Kies installation broke everything and scratched my original indivbox!!)

As a result, I cannot use fairuse4WM anymore, and as I read in forums, even if I downgrade WMP, I cannot get a correct indivbox key, because crosoft do not deliver them anymore...

Am I right on that ?

I could use some lossy programs, but the movies I download contain often 2 languages and a subtitle track, what I like very much...

After this disaster, I bought a new computer using Win7 and I heard about the Virtual Machine concept (VMware).

My question : Do you think that would be possible to get a wmware configuration containing WMP10 and a working indivbox ?
And may be where should I look for to get it ?
You can answer in private if you prefer...

Many thanks in advance
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Old 09-12-2012, 10:59 AM
Pibale2002 Pibale2002 is offline
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Re: Fairuse4WM in a XP virtual machine


OK, surfing on this forum and on several others, even on VM, the indiv key remains linked to the hardware, what is fairly logical as far as WM software also comes from Crosoft...
As a result, we cannot come back to a compatible key to use drmdbg via a virtual machine...
Bad luck !!!

I've a question anyway.

Is there any information on the new drm system somewhere ?
I mean, I imagine many people might have tried to study it, entering into WMP with a debugger to follow the decryption process.
As they did not succeed, they might have written things to explain what they found and where it blocks didn't they ?

I'd be very interested to know more on that...

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