I get a Parse Error on Line 9 of this code.
I found this code on stackoverflow.com and would love to be able to take my .f4f generated files from Adobe Media Server 5.0 (interactive) and covert them to .f4v on the server on the fly to redistribute the content for video on demand.
Is the script below able to be run from the command line? Is this why I'm getting these errors?
Thanks in Advance.
PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/videos/f4ftof4v.php on line 9
function ReadInt24($str, $pos)
return intval(bin2hex(substr($str, $pos, 3)), 16);
function ReadInt32($str, $pos)
return unpack("N", substr($str, $pos, 4))[1];
echo "\nKSV Adobe HDS Downloader\n\n";
$flvHeader = hex2bin("464c5601050000000900000000");
$firstVideoPacket = true;
$prevTagSize = 4;
$fragCount = 0;
isset($argv[1]) ? $baseFilename = $argv[1] : $baseFilename = "";
$baseFilename ? $outputFile = "$baseFilename.flv" : $outputFile = "Joined.flv";
while (true)
if (file_exists("$baseFilename" . $fragCount + 1 . ".f4f"))
echo "Found $fragCount fragments\n";
$flv = fopen("$outputFile", "wb");
fwrite($flv, $flvHeader, 13);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $fragCount; $i++)
$frag = file_get_contents("$baseFilename$i.f4f");
preg_match('/(.{4})mdat[\x08\x09\x12]/i', $frag, $mdat, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$fragLen = ReadInt32($mdat[1][0], 0) - 8;
$frag = substr($frag, $mdat[1][1] + 8, $fragLen);
$pos = 0;
while ($pos < $fragLen)
$packetType = $frag[$pos];
$packetSize = ReadInt24($frag, $pos + 1);
$packetTS = ReadInt24($frag, $pos + 4);
$totalTagLen = 11 + $packetSize + $prevTagSize;
if (($packetType == "\x08" && $packetSize > 4) or ($packetType == "\x09" && $packetSize > 40) or ($packetType == "\x09" && $firstVideoPacket))
if ($packetType == "\x09" && $firstVideoPacket)
$firstVideoPacket = false;
fwrite($flv, substr($frag, $pos, $totalTagLen), $totalTagLen);
$pos += $totalTagLen;
echo "Finished\n";