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Old 11-18-2009, 08:47 AM
Leecher Leecher is offline
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Re: extract key from a ibx 11.0.6001.8015

I hope there will be.

Thanks so far!
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Old 04-04-2010, 07:47 PM
Clive Clive is offline
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Re: extract key from a ibx 11.0.6001.8015

I have just accidentally downloaded this DRM 11.0.6001.8015 and absolutely no program out there works that has been suggested. Even capture programs are invaded on my computer. This DRM version disabled even my ability to use inputs and outputs to try to circumvent audio. When I tried Tunebite, my NVidia Geforce blackout the screen and crashed the program. I tried my Camstasia Studio 6 capture in every perceivable connection to record and it gives me fine video and audio for about 24 mins and then the sound turns to distortion and the video has occasional lag (useless anyway). I tried Daniusoft (which is also Aimersoft, I discovered in disguise) and the one minute trial originally worked for video. It even told me that I had to get the 'Pro' version for video conversions. It completely failed! I get video capture, but the sound is blocked. You can't even try to circumvent this by using output audio cord to input with this program because it only use its downloaded 'virtual soundcard'!

Does anybody out there know how to simply remove all traces of DRM from the computer? Do I have to re-install WindowsXP? And don't advise me for a general removal software -- there is no entries for DRM in control panel -> add or remove software.
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Old 04-05-2010, 04:35 AM
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Re: extract key from a ibx 11.0.6001.8015

Originally Posted by Clive View Post
I have just accidentally downloaded this DRM 11.0.6001.8015 and absolutely no program out there works that has been suggested. Even capture programs are invaded on my computer. This DRM version disabled even my ability to use inputs and outputs to try to circumvent audio. When I tried Tunebite, my NVidia Geforce blackout the screen and crashed the program. I tried my Camstasia Studio 6 capture in every perceivable connection to record and it gives me fine video and audio for about 24 mins and then the sound turns to distortion and the video has occasional lag (useless anyway). I tried Daniusoft (which is also Aimersoft, I discovered in disguise) and the one minute trial originally worked for video. It even told me that I had to get the 'Pro' version for video conversions. It completely failed! I get video capture, but the sound is blocked. You can't even try to circumvent this by using output audio cord to input with this program because it only use its downloaded 'virtual soundcard'!
You need to disable video acceleration to avoid black screen problem.

You can contact Tunebite support and request the bug to be fixed.

As for Wondershare / Aimersoft / Daniusoft software, I do not recommend to use their software, because they promote it by spam. They have many different brands, but share the same spamming methods.

I don't see much sense using lossy DRM removal software for re-recording videos. You can use screen video capture software like WM Capture instead. Note that Camtasia is outrageously expensive software.

Originally Posted by Clive View Post
Does anybody out there know how to simply remove all traces of DRM from the computer? Do I have to re-install WindowsXP? And don't advise me for a general removal software -- there is no entries for DRM in control panel -> add or remove software.
You can use a virtual machine like Virtual Box (if you have an OEM version of Windows XP, your license won't work). And you can downgrade WMP in Windows XP:
How to downgrade Windows Media Player to a previous version in Windows XP

Note that you will need to delete the DRM folder when downgrading and this will delete all your DRM licenses.
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Old 04-20-2010, 07:41 AM
kyle kyle is offline
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Re: extract key from a ibx 11.0.6001.8015

I just reinstalled my vista as i was assuming no longer could remove drm was due to update but after reinstall and individulasing i find this I hope loseless drm removal will be brought out for 11.0.6001.8015
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Old 04-20-2010, 08:53 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: extract key from a ibx 11.0.6001.8015

Originally Posted by kyle View Post
I just reinstalled my vista as i was assuming no longer could remove drm was due to update but after reinstall and individulasing i find this I hope loseless drm removal will be brought out for 11.0.6001.8015
When you re-individualize Windows 7 or Vista, you get the latest version of IBX, so only lossy DRM removal software will work for you. Of course you can install Windows XP, but some content providers force you to upgrade to the latest version of IBX anyway.
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