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Old 03-30-2010, 08:50 PM
pratape pratape is offline
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error "Connect Failed !(2) Reason :( -3) no stream Timeout".

I require some help in viewing my DVR remotely.

I get the error "Connect Failed !(2) Reason -3) no stream Timeout" when I try to view it from my work network.

Basically I have setup a cctv system with 6 cameras and registered with dyndns for the router's dynamic address and configured the router to port forward to the dvr.

I can access the dvr when connected to the LAN (internal network) and can also view the cameras remotely when I use my Nokia N97 phone as a modem. I can't figure out if I need to open any other ports to view the video stream from my work network.

I have also tried disabling the windows/ AV firewall but still get the same error. At home I am using a Netgear 3G Broadband Wireless Router with a usb modem connected it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have run out of ideas.
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Old 06-27-2010, 12:44 PM
djgerma djgerma is offline
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Re: error "Connect Failed !(2) Reason :( -3) no stream Timeout".

1. Set a static ip address on your DVR (something like the ip address may vary based on your router make and model.
To find out what ip address you can give it just connect your computer to your router and open up a command prompt by going Start>RUN and type in cmd (little black dos window will open up)
type in "ipconfig /all" without the quotes and hit enter
look for your ip address

if your ip address looks like this than you can assign the camera something like or something like that.
fill in the rest of the fields like subnet mask and default gateway to match yours on the black window.

2. You need to setup port forwarding on your router

3. find out what your external ip address is by going to or if you have DDNS or no-ip setup than you already know what you are doing.

4. go to friends computer at his house or something and in the browser type in the "http://your external ip address:"port" without the quotes (usually port is 80 but you can change that in the settings on the dvr)

5. if you have done everything correct it will connect and ask you for some information like hostname, hostport, username and password.

for hostname: your external IP address
for hostport: the port you designated
for username: whatever username you designated (admin i believe is default)
for password: whatever password you designated (default may be something like 11111)

it should work, if not you have some advanced issues.

Originally Posted by pratape View Post
I require some help in viewing my DVR remotely.

I get the error "Connect Failed !(2) Reason -3) no stream Timeout" when I try to view it from my work network.

Basically I have setup a cctv system with 6 cameras and registered with dyndns for the router's dynamic address and configured the router to port forward to the dvr.

I can access the dvr when connected to the LAN (internal network) and can also view the cameras remotely when I use my Nokia N97 phone as a modem. I can't figure out if I need to open any other ports to view the video stream from my work network.

I have also tried disabling the windows/ AV firewall but still get the same error. At home I am using a Netgear 3G Broadband Wireless Router with a usb modem connected it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have run out of ideas.
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Old 06-28-2010, 02:39 AM
pratape pratape is offline
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Re: error "Connect Failed !(2) Reason :( -3) no stream Timeout".

Thanks djgerma,

I do have everthing configured as per your advice and other suggestions on setting up the dvr, router etc. I am alble to view the cameras from inside without any problems.

When I connect my phone as a modem and connect to the camera from anywhere it works but it does not when i connect from my work network.

I don't know if other ports related to media stream should be allowed on my work firewall.


Originally Posted by djgerma View Post
1. Set a static ip address on your DVR (something like the ip address may vary based on your router make and model.
To find out what ip address you can give it just connect your computer to your router and open up a command prompt by going Start>RUN and type in cmd (little black dos window will open up)
type in "ipconfig /all" without the quotes and hit enter
look for your ip address

if your ip address looks like this than you can assign the camera something like or something like that.
fill in the rest of the fields like subnet mask and default gateway to match yours on the black window.

2. You need to setup port forwarding on your router

3. find out what your external ip address is by going to or if you have DDNS or no-ip setup than you already know what you are doing.

4. go to friends computer at his house or something and in the browser type in the "http://your external ip address:"port" without the quotes (usually port is 80 but you can change that in the settings on the dvr)

5. if you have done everything correct it will connect and ask you for some information like hostname, hostport, username and password.

for hostname: your external IP address
for hostport: the port you designated
for username: whatever username you designated (admin i believe is default)
for password: whatever password you designated (default may be something like 11111)

it should work, if not you have some advanced issues.
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