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Old 06-01-2011, 12:26 AM
cwadhwa cwadhwa is offline
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Edit and burn camcorder o/p on DVD.


I was really delighted to read through this site. I got a ray of hope that i will get the help i need in making the video i want.

We record our mentor's lecture. I want to make 20-30 mins DVD of these lectures which need to be broadcasted on television as well as should be playable on all kind of dvd players. But right now, we are not getting the quality/format which we or TV channel need.

I will really appreciate if i can get the information/help/guidance on this forum.

This is what we need to do.

1) Take the camcorder o/p & voice recorder o/p, edit them, sync them & make a video out of it. We are able to do this using some movie making software. Suggestion on which tool to use for best results are welcome.

2) Now we have got the video saved in wmv format.
To burn it on CD, we are using nero to convert it in dat format and burn on CD.

To burn on dvd, we need to convert them in vob format but we are not able to find a good converter for the same which could convert as well as gives us good quality video in dvd.

The reason to burn it in vob format is that these dvds should run on all dvd players. These lectures will goto different users having different dvd players.
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Old 06-01-2011, 05:29 AM
Stream Recorder
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Re: Edit and burn camcorder o/p on DVD.

It depends on the format used by your camcorder.

My camcorder comes with software allowing to edit videos and burn them to DVD. There are many programs that can be used for that including Adobe Premiere Pro.

Anyway you shouldn't use free software that allows to output to WMV format only. Use software that can burn DVDs for you, or at least can output DVD compatible files that don't need to be converted. And don't burn onto a CD, if you need a DVD-Video.
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