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dymanic display omnicast Video/camera in the webHi friends
based on Omnicast SDK, i try to call GxVideoLive object Code:
<object id=GxVideoLive classid=clsid:E10F54C4-7191-4da8-A254-43F92E383C10 height=240 width=352> <param name="fileName" value="xxxxx" /> <param name="autostart" value="true" /> <param name="showstatusbar" value="true" /> <param name="PlayCount" value="5" /> <embed src="../../../xxx" width="320" height="310" hspace="0" vspace="0" autostart="true" filename="videos/xxxx" name="win_media_player" playcount="5"></embed> </object> such GxVideoLive.ClearOverlay Method and GxVideoLive.OnVideoStarted Event Do we can dymanic display omnicast Video/camera in the web site. it is a avi type. Thanks for your help! Regards, Jim |
Re: dymanic display omnicast Video/camera in the webHi webjimmy,
You can dymanic display omnicast Video/camera in the web site very easily. The Video isn't an Avi, GxVideolive decodes and render the native video stream that comes from the camera. Omnicast has a SDK that includes a series of ActiveX.GxvideoLive is one of them. Normally if you have the SDK Documentation and installation, it has a nice sample to shows how to use GxVideoLive in a WebLive. Here's a quick overview of waht you have to do. First you need 2 activeX components. GxVideoLive and GxUIProxyWeb. Here are VB samples: How to create GxUIProxy and GxVideoLive: Code:
<object id="GxUIProxy" classid="clsid:C62E8E18-82A4-4bc8-8E10-4B1F27E1DCB8" VIEWASTEXT></object> <object id="GxVideoLive" style="LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 300px; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 200px" classid="clsid:E10F54C4-7191-4da8-A254-43F92E383C10" VIEWASTEXT></object> Then we must link the GxUIProxy with GxVideolive: Code:
GxUIProxy.CreateInstance GxVideoLive.CreateInstance GxUIProxy The UIProxy activex must authenticate to the Omnciast Directory server. The code will display a logon dialog. Code:
Dim szUserName, szPassword, szDirectory, nBlockingMode szUserName = window.txtUserName.value szPassword = window.txtPassword.value szDirectory = window.txtDirectory.value nBlockingMode = 1 On Error Resume Next GxUIProxy.LogOn szDirectory, szUserName, szPassword, CBool (nBlockingMode) If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox Err.Description, , "LogOn Error" End If Once the UIProxy is logon, you just have to specify which camera you want to see in the GxVideoLive ActiveX. Code:
GxVideoLive.StartLiveVideo strCameraGUID To see more than one camera at a time, you can instantiate more than 1 GxVideoLive using a single GxIUProxy object. To find out camera GUID, GxIUProxy give methods to convert from a Logical ID (Simple number from 1 to XXXX) to a GUID. Omnicast assigns automatically a logical ID to each camera. I hope it helps! Jo |
Re: dymanic display omnicast Video/camera in the webHi,
I created a blog where I post samples on the Omnicast SDK: Jo |
Tags: gxuiproxy, gxvideolive, omnicast, omnicast sdk |
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