Originally Posted by carlos17
i have rigged up my avtech dvr no probs there network cable got access
via wi fi round house even can view on my iPhone 4 but say im away in another country and i want to view my dvr and ive got wifi in the hotel what do i type into my browser do i type in my public ip or my dyndns server name or my host name i have tried to type in my public ip but a web page comes up called anytime anywhere surveillance but keeps saying authentication failed any advice would be very welcome thanks
Hi, carlos and thanks for asking first you must use the ip that you asigned to the dvr that is the one you use to connect when you are in here assuming that you are in america, then a cookie will pop up. in the ooother, country where you are trying to connect, a web page asking you for permission to install a cookie this is a small program that will enable commnication between the two of you the dvr, and your laptop, and use the static IPA that you assigned to the dvr that is all, or just go to the browser and type let say
http://122.111.333.444:80 if 80 is the port used to connetc locally and hit enter, if there is no problem in the hotel network then you good. if the hotel network administrator has all this ports block, just pray you find him and buy him a beer thanks and good bless you kid