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Old 08-26-2009, 12:17 PM
Velutis Velutis is offline
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how to dump from justintv with flvstreamer/rtmpdump

hi all, i use flvstreamer1.7 to dump from justintv i use this rtmp url:
flvstreamer-1.7_win32.exe -r "rtmp://|app|jtv_AaqICb5_aNqgKssX| cb3266c5.swf|"

but program always says: WARNING: HandShake, client signature does not match!

what i am doing wrong
or maybe that warning is not very bad anyway i always get netconnection.connect.rejected error.
so how to pass that rtmp url to rtmpdump that it work?

Last edited by Velutis : 08-26-2009 at 02:19 PM.
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Old 08-26-2009, 02:58 PM
Velutis Velutis is offline
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Re: how to dump from justintv with flvstreamer/rtmpdump

ok i did it but now im geting this error: ReadN rtmp recv error 10060
when calling:
flvstreamer-1.8_win32 -r "rtmp://" --app "app" -s " cb3266c5.swf"

i think that play path is incorrect maybye someone can say where is playpath in my rtmp url?
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Old 08-27-2009, 01:25 AM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

Re: how to dump from justintv with flvstreamer/rtmpdump

I tried rtmpdump 1.6 and got the following

rtmpdump -r "rtmp://
app/jtv_AaqICb5_aNqgKssX" --app "app" -s "
site_player.r650c7984780ee190e044d08b1120a0d7 cb3266c5.swf" -o sample.flv
RTMPDump v1.6
(c) 2009 Andrej Stepanchuk, license: GPL

DEBUG: Parsing...
DEBUG: Parsed protocol: 0
DEBUG: Parsed host    :
DEBUG: Parsed port    : 1935
DEBUG: Parsed app     : app
DEBUG: Parsed playpath: jtv_AaqICb5_aNqgKssX
DEBUG: Setting buffer time to: 36000000ms
Connecting ...
DEBUG: Protocol : RTMP
DEBUG: Hostname :
DEBUG: Port     : 1935
DEBUG: Playpath : jtv_AaqICb5_aNqgKssX
DEBUG: tcUrl    : rtmp://
DEBUG: swfUrl   :
ee190e044d08b1120a0d7 cb3266c5.swf
DEBUG: app      : app
DEBUG: flashVer : LNX 9,0,124,0
DEBUG: live     : no
DEBUG: timeout  : 300 sec
DEBUG: Connect, ... connected, handshaking
DEBUG: HandShake: Client type: 03

DEBUG: HandShake: Client digest offset: 410
DEBUG: HandShake: Initial client digest:
2B A9 40 F8 83 6C C2 8E 9B 14 54 D7 20 4C A7 71 92 43 14 EE BC 31 3A BA 0D 51 51
 88 BF 42 6F 01
DEBUG: HandShake: Type Answer   : 03
DEBUG: HandShake: Server Uptime : 96850052
DEBUG: HandShake: FMS Version   :
WARNING: Trying different position for server digest!

DEBUG: HandShake: Server DH public key offset: 1021
DEBUG: HandShake: Client signature digest position: 410
DEBUG: HandShake: Digest key:
9D 80 14 65 A3 B9 80 F0 47 8E E2 57 DE 87 D9 C5 62 5C BF 4B A1 03 34 2B 5E 6C 92
 53 34 D9 5F 83
DEBUG: HandShake: Signature calculated:
F0 08 71 84 C3 21 9F CD 4F 4B 8E 20 57 4A 7B B3 78 BF 0E 86 CE DC F2 7B B7 BF FC
 27 EF 96 05 2F
DEBUG: HandShake: Server sent signature:
F0 08 71 84 C3 21 9F CD 4F 4B 8E 20 57 4A 7B B3 78 BF 0E 86 CE DC F2 7B B7 BF FC
 27 EF 96 05 2F
DEBUG: HandShake: Genuine Adobe Flash Media Server
DEBUG: HandShake: Calculated digest key from secure key and server digest:
9E ED A0 E9 FC B3 3F D8 7E 08 1F 41 80 75 A1 BB A5 5C EC C1 5F 4C 3D F0 27 7F 69
 AE B0 F9 45 47
DEBUG: HandShake: Client signature calculated:
A7 A8 56 39 99 09 71 CA 7D 40 EE 7F FC E0 4C A8 01 47 E5 3F 31 DD C2 5A B4 9F C4
 0B 06 64 B0 0A
DEBUG: HandShake: Handshaking finished....
DEBUG: Connect, handshaked

Starting download at 0.000 KB
DEBUG: GetNextMediaPacket, received: server BW
DEBUG: GetNextMediaPacket, received: client BW
DEBUG: HandlePing, received ping. type: 0, len: 6
DEBUG: HandleChangeChunkSize, received: chunk size change to 4096
DEBUG: GetNextMediaPacket, received: invoke 209 bytes
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., STRING:      _result>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., NUMBER:      1.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., OBJECT>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                    fmsVer, STRING:      FMS/3,0,1,123>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:              capabilities, NUMBER:      31.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., OBJECT>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                     level, STRING:      status>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                      code, STRING:      NetConnection.Co
DEBUG: Property: <Name:               description, STRING:      Connection succe
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  clientid, NUMBER:      1589151481.00>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:            objectEncoding, NUMBER:      0.00>
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_result>
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, received result for method call <connect>
DEBUG: sending ping. type: 0x0003
DEBUG: GetNextMediaPacket, received: invoke 29 bytes
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., STRING:      _result>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., NUMBER:      2.00>
DEBUG: Property: NULL
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., NUMBER:      1.00>
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <_result>
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, received result for method call <createStream>
DEBUG: SendPlay, sending play: jtv_AaqICb5_aNqgKssX
DEBUG: sending ping. type: 0x0003
DEBUG: GetNextMediaPacket, received: invoke 140 bytes
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., STRING:      onStatus>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., NUMBER:      0.00>
DEBUG: Property: NULL
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  no-name., OBJECT>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                     level, STRING:      error>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                      code, STRING:      NetStream.Play.S
DEBUG: Property: <Name:               description, STRING:      This stream does
 not exist.>
DEBUG: Property: <Name:                  clientid, NUMBER:      1589151481.00>
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, server invoking <onStatus>
DEBUG: HandleInvoke, onStatus: NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound
Closing connection... done!
What is the web-page you try to download from? How did you find the RTMP URL?
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