Downloading from starz.com
Been messing around with it for a while and stuck now. They are using Apple HLS m3u8 .
1. Tubedigger downloads full file, but it's not playable or remuxable, nothing recognizes the .ts as a media file.
2. GetFLV gets stuck at 99.9% while downloading
3. LiveStreamer and ffmpeg I am not sure how to make them login to the site, so it gives [stream.hls][error] Failed to create decryptor: Unable to open URL: https://api.dmlib.com/v1/dms/hls/<removed>== (500 Server Error: Internal Server Error)
4. IDM says it won't download because of DRM.
Edit: Never mind, GetFLV in chrome mode works perfect.
Last edited by justsomedude : 04-11-2016 at 05:42 AM.