So I went to download today's Senate session and it looks like they have made some changes to the rendered HTML. Previously i click the link and that would open the video in a new popup and then view source and got the actual url of the video since it was in a javascript function - eval(url goes here). Now they have made it harder. That nice easy url is gone. And I don't have the url so ican't just attack the clip id to it. How would i get the senate session videos now? They are silverlight:
Today's (July 9) session
The actual url of the video used to reside in this expression - downloadLinks = eval(Array);
It has now been replaced by Array. I can previous days if the mp4 exists by forcing HTML5 mode. The mp4 does not exist for the Juily 9 video but it is a wmv file that used to be able to get.