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Old 06-28-2016, 11:00 PM
save8lot save8lot is offline
Join Date: Aug 2014
Posts: 39
save8lot is on a distinguished road

Download and Decrypt HOOPLA Content

Hoopla is a online service that offers Rentals of Movies, TV Shows, Audio Books, E-Books, Comics and Music. It is often offered for FREE from many Library's.

I have made progress accessing the files through an iPad and either capturing the iPad traffic on your PC or accessing the RAW filesystem of the iPad after downloading content for "Offline" viewing.

Movies / TV Shows are downloaded as .WVM files. However when trying to play these files only the first 4-5 seconds of the video plays, then it stops, even though the runtime listed is much longer.


Books are downloaded as .EPUB files with corresponding .KEY files. The content of the KEY file appears to be base64 encoded (not positive). However I can not figure out how to use the key to unlock the file.


Music Songs are downloaded as multiple .TS files, also with a corresponding .KEY file. I used a .BAT file with the following command "copy /b *.ts joined_files.ts" to merge all the .TS files together. However, once again, I am not sure how to use the .KEY file to unlock the file.


If you try and play the Movies / TV Shows in Firefox they use SilverLight, so I didnt even attempt that. They play in Chome, but I was unable to figure out how to download them from there. So using the iPad gave me the best results so far.

Any help to figuring out how to unlock/remove DRM from these files would be helpful.

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