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Old 10-31-2006, 12:27 PM
Stream Recorder
Posts: n/a

documentation regarding P2P video streaming problem

documentation regarding P2P video streaming problem

Originally Posted by Gary Edward Johnston
I have gone through MOUNTAINS of help documentation regarding P2P video streaming, ALL of which is horrible.

I have been trying to create a tv channel, easily accessible to visitors to my website, for months now. I see that this
technology exists, but alas noone has created documentation that is helpful.

And I do mean noone, Peercast, Nullsoft, Icecast, VLC, etc., etc. If Computer Engineers are the only people you want
using your technology and services you are doing a great job. If not, then you have work to do.

Large corporations are moving into the internet streaming market and they will push you all aside very soon if you do not
wake up and organize yourselves. This would be very sad, as I believe that this type of software could really change the
world for the better. Unfortunately, if big business moves in you will not have a chance.

If you are going to compete with the big guys you need to start now by bringing newbies on board with software they can
easily figure out. Quit making new stuff and adding frills the new comer doesn't cares about and market your services to
the average Joe.

Now that I have that off my chest, I would like to propose a trade.

I would love to exchange the knowledge of how to get this done for documentation writing. I am a teacher and have
experience writing documentation people can understand, but, I need to understand it first. I live in Toronto, Canada, so
if you know of someone in Toronto who could walk me through the process, I could walk the rest of the world through the
process. Maybe you have another idea.
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