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Old 08-20-2010, 09:13 PM
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Doctor Who DVD

If you watch the series on the SciFi channel or read the other reviews, you can determine for yourself whether or not you'll like the new Doctor Who series. My review here will therefore deal more with the DVD set itself. I should give my opinion of the show itself. I always liked Doctor Who for its humor, and brilliant storylines. What I didn't like were the sub-par special effects. I believe this series fixes what little was wrong with the original series while keeping what made it great. They clearly have a much greater SFX budget this time around. If you've read this far, you're probably going to buy it anyway. If you really can't wait until July (as I obviously couldn't), you can get it from but it'll cost more for the international shipping.I don't know what the other reviewer's problem was but this set is worth it. I've been a Doctor Who fan most of my life and I found this season to be one of the best. Christopher Eccleston is a wonderfully gifted actor and gives the role of the Doctor the respect it deserves. It is an excellent series for old fans, new fans, or anyone interested in science fiction.
Episode 1, Rose, sweeps us back into the whirlwind world of Doctor Who that we all know and love. It seems like it nearly skipped a beat since 1989, with only the surroundings and special effects being updated. It also offers enough info to keep a new viewer interested. 'Rose' is very action packed, much more than most vintage Who stories, and I think it has to be in some way to cater to the thrill-a-minute new millenium that we are all now fully accustomed to.
I had seen some sneak preview photos of the Autons before the show aired, and I thought they looked a little awkward and feared they might come across a bit cheesy in live action, however they threw me for a loop after watching Rose, as they looked incredibly lifelike and menacing. Bravo for the special effects wizards who worked on them as they looked brilliant. A superb opening episode to bring us all back into Who!

Doctor Who: The Complete Fifth Series
Old 09-08-2010, 11:08 PM
Posts: n/a

Re: Doctor Who DVD

Doctor who is brilliant science fiction show and i m huge fan of it. I can never miss any collection of it. Whenever any latest update from this show came out i directly go to download it.

And if someone here just wanna assembled all season 1-5 episodes DVD collection then Amazon is just a perfect web-zone for you all.
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