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Old 07-10-2010, 05:08 PM
Yansky Yansky is offline
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Re: How do you compile rtmpdump in Mac OS X 10.6?

Originally Posted by dumpall View Post
Yansky, many thanks for providing precompiled(?) rtmpdump binaries for Mac OS X.

I need some help: I am using PPC mac, OS 10.4.11.

When trying to execute ./rtmpdump -r address of the stream -o filename.flv, i get every time Bus Error in Terminal.

I have googled to some extent, only to really find nothing that can give a solution to this problem.

Any suggestions would be of great help!

Best Regards;
Not sure. I haven't encountered that error before. The only thing I can suggest is to upgrade your OSX to 10.6 if possible.
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Old 08-26-2010, 01:12 PM
pala pala is offline
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Re: How do you compile rtmpdump in Mac OS X 10.6?

rtmpdump seems to be missing in
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Old 08-27-2010, 03:20 AM
Yansky Yansky is offline
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Re: How do you compile rtmpdump in Mac OS X 10.6?

Originally Posted by pala View Post
rtmpdump seems to be missing in
Sorry, not quite sure what happened there. I've re-upped with the rtmpdump file.
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Old 10-15-2010, 09:20 AM
StrickenFromHistory StrickenFromHistory is offline
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Re: RTMPDump - how do I compile source code?

I get this error on Mac Intel 10.6

sudo make SYS=mingw
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,librtmp.dll -o librtmp.dll rtmp.o log.o amf.o hashswf.o parseurl.o -lssl -lcrypto -lz -lws2_32 -lwinmm -lgdi32
ld: unknown option: -soname
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [librtmp.dll] Error 1
make: *** [librtmp/librtmp.a] Error 2
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Old 10-30-2010, 07:08 AM
Skeeve Skeeve is offline
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Re: RTMPDump - how do I compile source code?


Maybe someone can help me in a (as I think) very basic problem.

I use OS X 10.5.8 and the openssl there is too old (OpenSSL 0.9.7l 28 Sep 2006).

So I downloaded, compiled and installed OpenSSL 1.0.0a 1 Jun 2010 in /usr/local/openssl. The default (old one) is still in /usr/bin.

But when I try to compile the latest rtmpdump, checked out with svn, and try to "make", I still get

In file included from rtmp.c:126:
handshake.h:67:2: error: #error Your OpenSSL is too old, need 0.9.8 or newer with SHA256
I tried export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/openssl/lib/
but still get the message.

Can anyone please give me a hint how to get rtmpdump compiled?
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Old 11-17-2010, 03:57 PM
carmelo42 carmelo42 is offline
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Re: RTMPDump - how do I compile source code?

I also have a problem compiling rtmpdump 2.3 from sources tarballs, with Mac OS X 10.6.4 :

macbook:rtmpdump-2.3 Carmelo$ make SYS=MacOSX
gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\" -DUSE_OPENSSL  -O2 -fPIC   -c -o rtmp.o rtmp.c
gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\" -DUSE_OPENSSL  -O2 -fPIC   -c -o log.o log.c
gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\" -DUSE_OPENSSL  -O2 -fPIC   -c -o amf.o amf.c
In file included from amf.c:33:
bytes.h:74:2: warning: #warning "Float word order not defined, assuming the same as byte order!"
gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\" -DUSE_OPENSSL  -O2 -fPIC   -c -o hashswf.o hashswf.c
gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\" -DUSE_OPENSSL  -O2 -fPIC   -c -o parseurl.o parseurl.c
ar rs librtmp.a rtmp.o log.o amf.o hashswf.o parseurl.o
ar: creating archive librtmp.a
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,librtmp.  -o librtmp. rtmp.o log.o amf.o hashswf.o parseurl.o  -lssl -lcrypto -lz 
ld: unknown option: -soname
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [librtmp.] Error 1
make: *** [librtmp/librtmp.a] Error 2

I also have tried with sudo :

macbook:rtmpdump-2.3 Carmelo$ sudo make SYS=MacOSX
gcc -shared -Wl,-soname,librtmp.  -o librtmp. rtmp.o log.o amf.o hashswf.o parseurl.o  -lssl -lcrypto -lz 
ld: unknown option: -soname
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [librtmp.] Error 1
make: *** [librtmp/librtmp.a] Error 2
macbook:rtmpdump-2.3 Carmelo$
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Old 01-02-2011, 01:27 PM
jcj2002 jcj2002 is offline
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Re: RTMPDump - how do I compile source code?

Originally Posted by Skeeve View Post

Maybe someone can help me in a (as I think) very basic problem.

I use OS X 10.5.8 and the openssl there is too old (OpenSSL 0.9.7l 28 Sep 2006).

So I downloaded, compiled and installed OpenSSL 1.0.0a 1 Jun 2010 in /usr/local/openssl. The default (old one) is still in /usr/bin.

But when I try to compile the latest rtmpdump, checked out with svn, and try to "make", I still get

I tried export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/openssl/lib/
but still get the message.

Can anyone please give me a hint how to get rtmpdump compiled?
Did you try editing the path of OpenSSL in Makefile file of the source?

Some like this:

-I /usr/local
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Old 01-03-2011, 05:20 PM
jcj2002 jcj2002 is offline
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Re: How do you compile rtmpdump in Mac OS X 10.6?

Originally Posted by any ANONYMOUS forum user View Post
I don't know if anyone is able to compile rtmpdump for mac os x. Please someone tell me. And can someone tell me how to download videos from and SIMPLE INSTRUCTIONS lol, all I see is bla bla bla, I would rather pictures of you doing it, so I can just follow what your doing.

Thanks! I wish someone would make a real program, that can sniff ANY rtmp, ANY, not some, including hulu, but noooo they all got a DMCA removal or don't want to -_- COME ON HACKERS, I also want a hacker to make a alternitive for flash for my mac os x and iphone os. Not for windows, windows doesn't deserve it, let flash keep crashing their internet explorerer lol
How to compile RTMPDump in Mac OS:
  1. Download and extract the latest RTMPDump source tarball, open a Terminal window and cd to the directory you just extracted the sources, i.e. ./rtmpdump-2.3
  2. We need to make a small change in the Makefile in the ./librtmp directory, so you need to cd into that directory
  3. Edit Makefile in ./librtmp and replace -soname with -dylib_install_name
  4. cd ..
  5. sudo make install SYS=posix

    Depending on the version you compile, the compilation output will look something like this:
    Jans-Mac-Pro:rtmpdump-2.3 jan$ make SYS=posix
    gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\" -DUSE_OPENSSL  -O2 -fPIC   -c -o rtmp.o rtmp.c
    gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\" -DUSE_OPENSSL  -O2 -fPIC   -c -o log.o log.c
    gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\" -DUSE_OPENSSL  -O2 -fPIC   -c -o amf.o amf.c
    In file included from amf.c:33:
    bytes.h:74:2: warning: #warning "Float word order not defined, assuming the same as byte order!"
    gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\" -DUSE_OPENSSL  -O2 -fPIC   -c -o hashswf.o hashswf.c
    gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\" -DUSE_OPENSSL  -O2 -fPIC   -c -o parseurl.o parseurl.c
    ar rs librtmp.a rtmp.o log.o amf.o hashswf.o parseurl.o
    gcc -shared -Wl,-dylib_install_name,  -o rtmp.o log.o amf.o hashswf.o parseurl.o  -lssl -lcrypto -lz
    ln -sf
    gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\"   -O2   -c -o rtmpdump.o rtmpdump.c
    gcc -Wall  rtmpdump.o librtmp/librtmp.a  -o rtmpdump -lssl -lcrypto -lz
    gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\"   -O2   -c -o rtmpgw.o rtmpgw.c
    gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\"   -O2   -c -o thread.o thread.c
    gcc -Wall  rtmpgw.o thread.o librtmp/librtmp.a  -o rtmpgw -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto -lz
    gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\"   -O2   -c -o rtmpsrv.o rtmpsrv.c
    gcc -Wall  rtmpsrv.o thread.o librtmp/librtmp.a  -o rtmpsrv -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto -lz
    gcc -Wall   -DRTMPDUMP_VERSION=\"v2.3\"   -O2   -c -o rtmpsuck.o rtmpsuck.c
    gcc -Wall  rtmpsuck.o thread.o librtmp/librtmp.a  -o rtmpsuck -lpthread -lssl -lcrypto -lz
  6. Now there should be a rtmpdump executable in your /usr/local/bin directory.


Hope help you
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Old 01-03-2011, 05:34 PM
jcj2002 jcj2002 is offline
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Re: RTMPDump - how do I compile source code?

Originally Posted by bricula View Post
Osx 10.5.8
xcode tools 3.0
rtmpdump 2.2d won't compile...
what does I need? please, it's been 2 days and I'm still here compiling and watching errors...
can someone write a step by step tutorial? the readme file says nothing... please, I'm running out of options....
I have succesfully compiled with OSX 10.6, last version rtmpdump v.2.3, which needs openssl 0.9.8 (for this you must upgrade to Mac OSX 10.6.5). Read the readme file on the source, gives so many information.

I am not a computer expert, but I get succes after many hours of testings and google documentations.

For your help, a step-by-step EXCELLENT tutorial for compiling and using rtmpdump you can see is at:

Note than you must change libraries before (-soname with -dylib_install_name in /rtmpdump-2.3/librtmp/makefile).

The only action you need is :

$ cd (to the path rtmpdump-2.3 is)
$ make SYS=posix (under a terminal session).

Note: posix is part of the OSX system.

Obviously, for compiling you need the developer tools of Mac OSX 10.6 (XCode 3.2).

Hope this helps.
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Old 02-22-2011, 03:31 AM
goka goka is offline
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Re: How do you compile rtmpdump in Mac OS X 10.6?

Couldn't anyone just post a compiled version of rtmpdump 2.3 if they have succeeded in compiling it? It would be greatly appreciated!

The only downloadable precompiled version I could find was 1.6. It does the job so far, but I guess I'll bump in to some problems sooner than later.
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