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Old 05-03-2008, 09:45 PM
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How do I see and use a license off of a music CD using FairUse4WM

How do I see and use a license off of a music CD using FairUse4WM
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Old 05-03-2008, 09:48 PM
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Re: How do I see and use a license off of a music CD using FairUse4WM

Remove DRM from music files with WMP protection ripped from Audio CDs
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Old 05-03-2008, 10:36 PM
louis125 louis125 is offline
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Re: How do I see and use a license off of a music CD using FairUse4WM

Before removing DRM protection you will have to get VALID LICENSES so that you can play files.
I'm not much of music collector on my computer. I would just like to be able to play an audio book that is DRM protected on my Nokia N800.

The only files I can find on my computer that have a license are the book ones I just downloaded. When I go to the licence tab on those it does not give the license, it says it's protected. They will play now on my computer but not on the n800.

I'm also trying to use FairUse4WM.

So how do I get a valid license? I have lots of CD's. Does it have to be a CD with DRM on it?

I'm so confused and a newbie.

Please help!


Last edited by louis125 : 05-03-2008 at 11:17 PM.
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Old 05-19-2008, 01:29 PM
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Re: How do I see and use a license off of a music CD using FairUse4WM

When you purchase your file, you get a valid license that allow you to play your file without any problem. If you can play your file, you can remove DRM protection from it using DRM removal software or just by recording from your sound card using direct sound recording software.
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