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Old 03-06-2014, 12:58 PM
marrrs marrrs is offline
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How do I know the variable URL of rtmp by snooping once?

I watched a livestreaming video and got the URL of streaming video with URL Snooper. but I found that the server URL changes every time the broadcasting is reopened by the same person. like, rtmp://ip address:1935/streampath/streamname(user'sID+random number), the url is fixed but some random number at the end changes every time the user newly start broadcasting. is that some sort of security method to prevent the video from being played out of itself when the user broadcasts a new video? is there a way to find out the changed URL without actually watching the video? plz let me know.
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Old 03-06-2014, 08:28 PM
peterpan peterpan is offline
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Re: How do I know the variable URL of rtmp by snooping once?

Here is the answer to your questions....

yes, I think so
and it may be possible

Does it make sense?!

well...neither did your post

if you want help, post specific links and be specific about what you're trying to achieve mate!

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Old 03-06-2014, 11:37 PM
marrrs marrrs is offline
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Re: How do I know the variable URL of rtmp by snooping once?

Originally Posted by peterpan View Post
Here is the answer to your questions....

yes, I think so
and it may be possible

Does it make sense?!

well...neither did your post

if you want help, post specific links and be specific about what you're trying to achieve mate!


Well, I don't speak English, so It may not seem sensible, but I think I pretty much made it clear what i want to ask. understand me i cant specify the link. what I"m saying is, suppose I broadcast with rtmp server. and I will have the url of it. like rtmp://~~, and it stays the same as long as I use the same platform and same username or ID. but somehow there seems to be some that changes the server URL by adding a random number to the url. so how can i find out the changed URL without watching the video and getting the URL by URL snooper?
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