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Old 02-04-2010, 01:06 AM
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How do I extract music from the internet?

I need to know how to extract music from the internet. Like for example, if there is a song playing on youtube, I know the song title, but how do I make it so that I can play it on Windows Media Player?

Do I need some kind of program for this? Or do I just need to download the song? If so, how?
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Old 02-04-2010, 09:14 AM
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Re: How do I extract music from the internet?

You can use Freecorder Toolbar With this you can click Record Audio then play the YouTube video. Once the audio is finished click Stop. This will create an MP3 of the video that you just played.
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Old 02-04-2010, 09:20 AM
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Re: How do I extract music from the internet?

I recommend you to try Replay Media Catcher as well. It can download YouTube videos for FREE. But the most amazing thing about youtube music is that it can extract MP3 songs from downloaded FLV videos (unlike many converters that lose quality when converting FLV to MP3)
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Old 02-04-2010, 10:31 AM
HITMAN HITMAN is offline
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Re: How do I extract music from the internet?

I have been using Replay Music (part of a suite of software products that includes the aforementioned Replay Media Catcher). You can try it for free, but the fully licensed version is not that expensive.

Even better, they have a deal with a company called TrialPay, where the Replay Music software is free if you sign up for one of TrialPay's offers. Their offers include one from eMusic, where you can get 25 free MP3 downloads for trying the eMusic services. Only problem I have found with eMusic is that their MP3 downloads contain a lot of dead air space at the end of each track. If you burn a CD using WMP, the dead air will also record. Better way is to burn the CD with iTunes, which allows you to set the gap between tracks.

I have been recording whole albums from Napster, Play.Me, Lala, and others, and then burning audio CDs from the files. In fact, I'm listening to the new Lady Antebellum CD right now, with some extra tracks from their first album. Sound quality is excellent, especially if you record at 192 Kbps.

One thing I've learned is to tag the record files correctly within Replay Music, so that when you play them in WMP, iTunes, Winamp, or whatever, they are correctly identified right from the start. This will also ensure that when you play the audio CD in your car or CD player, the track names and artist titles will be correctly displayed.
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Old 02-12-2010, 12:12 AM
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Re: How do I extract music from the internet?

You tubes allows you to download and watch at the same time. Look for download javascript fot the same in google
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