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Old 06-03-2014, 11:46 AM
joejohn joejohn is offline
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difference between replay media catcher and replay video capture?

I am having trouble understanding the difference between replay media catcher and replay video capture. I read the comparison chart on the official site but I still don't understand it. To me, it seems like they do the same thing.

another question I have is specifically about replay media catcher. I downloaded the trial version and played with it. my question is: When I press play in the video and the video is detected, do I have to stay on the video and keep playing it all the way to the end? or can I close my browser and the video will still record regardless?
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Old 06-03-2014, 03:10 PM
xaboxa xaboxa is offline
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Re: difference between replay media catcher and replay video capture?

I am not sure about exactly differences of those two applications you have mentioned but in most cases difference in app names are either in possibility that one application record stream directly using original video link Vs the other which can not do that so you need to record it by recording what is on the screen. Or, in the other case, that one application is capable only to record video stream while other can do some other things like converting recorded files and has some other tools more than the first one.

Answer on your second question would be that you will have to try every website you want to get. Speaking from my experience, most of the live streaming videos you will not be able to record if you leave the page with video or stop watching. If we speak about videos that are not live than most likely you will able to get them without having to stay and watch.

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