I've written this script which is supposed to request http://demand.five.tv/Handlers/FlashEpisode.ashx?baseName=$id with the referer "http://demand.five.tv/Episode.aspx" using a Glype-compatible proxy. In this case I am using Teamcat.com but allegedly any other Glype proxy works too. The problem is that the Five-server does not recognize the proxy. Perhaps somebody from the UK can verify the parameters? Thanks.
// $proxy = 'http://skipadmin.com/browse.php';
$proxy = 'http://teamcat.info/browse.php';
$id = 'C5143450001';
$context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array(
'header' => 'Referer: '
. $proxy . '?u='
. base64_encode("://demand.five.tv/Episode.aspx")
. '&b=13'
$contents = file_get_contents(
$proxy . '?u=' .
base64_encode("://demand.five.tv/Handlers/FlashEpisode.ashx?baseName=$id") . '&b=13',
echo $contents;