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Old 01-14-2011, 09:38 PM
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Curb Your Enthusiasm DVD - cable comedy for teens and adults

Parents should be aware that this cable comedy for teens and adults. Curb Your Enthusiasm DVD Includes jokes and themes based on race, disability, religion, etc that mature people will understand as ironic, but the younger ones who can misinterpret. A character has an addiction to pornography and speaks regularly, including discussing masturbation. The story arc of the season is based on the idea that the character can have sex with someone other than his wife as a birthday gift. Although much discussed, sex is never shown, except for the occasional grope comics. As this is a series of PPV, profanity is not censored and enthusiastic occurs regularly. The characters occasionally use drugs, if not a common element. Note: In the version of the program that runs in syndication, vulgarity and nudity have been edited to meet broadcast standards.Curb Your Enthusiasm is a largely improvised cable sitcom based on the life of Larry David, co-creator and executive producer of Seinfeld. David plays a version of himself - a comedy writer rich in semi-retirement who enjoys playing golf with his faithful friend and agent, Jeff Greene (Jeff Garlin), and go to dinner with his sick wife, Cheryl (Cheryl Hines). Extending the duration Seinfeld "show about nothing," Curb follows Larry at its normal tour - visiting friends, parties with Cheryl, runs around the city.
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